Haven't seen it mentioned and didn't find it in the search.
Currently running the next to last firmware for the Lite+ (1.9.9. The last few flights all of my JPG files have had corrupted EXIF headers in them. In short, much of the data is also encoded in the COMMENT EXIF header. Photo format was also set to JPG+RAW.
This is visible using exiftool on Linux but not the standard "exif" viewer. Windows won't open the file though it will show the EXIF data which has a "Comments" field but not "Comment" as above.
I can use exiftool to modify the file like this and it'll remove the comment, making the file viewable in Windows again.
For a bigger batch you can also do
Wasn't sure if anyone else has seen this or know which setting the app might cause this extra data to be written. I don't see anything other than adding a custom stamp or time stamp to the photo which are both already disabled.
I've been running a 256GB card that I often have to re-insert at startup for it to detect so I'm going to try a smaller/better card first to see if that fixes the issue, then the firmware update. I'm also going to try running it in JPG vs JPG+RAW to see if that could be what's causing the extra comment on the JPG files.
I'll update which of this does or doesn't fix the issue but in the mean time there is at least a know field that can be zeroed out on the EXIF data to get past the issue
Haven't seen it mentioned and didn't find it in the search.
Currently running the next to last firmware for the Lite+ (1.9.9. The last few flights all of my JPG files have had corrupted EXIF headers in them. In short, much of the data is also encoded in the COMMENT EXIF header. Photo format was also set to JPG+RAW.
Comment : timestamp=250764570.//Exposure Attr.{. 0, //op_type. [114-33333], //exp_time_range. [1024-23040], //a_gain_range. [1024-2048], //d_gain_range. [1024-20480], //ispd_gain_range. [1024-737280], //sys_gain_range. 56, //speed. 3, //tolerance. 45, //compensation. 70, //hist_ratio_slope. 10, //max_hist_offset. 1, //ae_mode.}.//Exposure Info.{. 33325, //exp_time. 2062, //a_gain. 1024, //d_gain. 1024, //isp_d_gain. 63435, //exposure. 0, //exposure_is_max. -2, //hist_error. 48, //ave_lum. 1024, //piris_fno.}.//LDCI Attr.{. 1, //enable. 26, //gauss_lpf_sigma. 65, //he_pos_wgt. 50, //he_pos_sigma. 20, //he_pos_mean. 10, //he_neg_wgt. 70, //he_neg_sigma. 255, //he_neg_mean.}.//Dehaze Attr.{. 1, //enable. 1, //op_type. 30, //strength.}.//DRC Attr.{. 1, //enable. 360, //strength. 64, //strength_min. 256, //strength_max. 4, //asymmetry. 210, //second_pole. 56, //stretch. 182, //compress.}.//WB Attr.{. 0, //op_type. 5150, //ref_color_temp. 115, //rg_strength. 115, //bg_strength. 70, //speed. otp:1-GRgain:517-GBgain:482-SRgain:513-SBgain:475 , //stWBCalibInfo. 485-256-256-504 , //static_wb. //curve_para. {35, 144, -77, 160164, 128, -110653, }.}.//WB Info.{. 531, //r_gain. 424, //b_gain. 6578, //color_temp. 127, //saturation. //CCM. {467, 32983, 4, 32827, 382, 32835, 16, 32992, 464, }.}.//Color Tone Attr.{. 256, //u16RedCastGain. 257, //u16GreenCastGain. 257, //u16BlueCastGain.}.//BLC Attr.{. 1, //black_level_mode. //black_level. {. {796, 796, 796, 796, },. {796, 796, 796, 796, },. {796, 796, 796, 796, },. {796, 796, 796, 796, },. }.}.//LSC Attr.{. 1, //enable. 2600, //mesh_strength. 256, //blend_ratio. 4, //mesh_scale. //x_grid_width. {85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, },. //y_grid_width. {48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 49, },.}.//ACS Attr.{. 0, //enable. 256, //y_strength.}.//BNR Attr.{. 0, //op_type. //auto tfs. {60, 80, 90, 120, 130, 150, 165, 170, 175, 175, 180, 180, 200, 230, 230, 230, },.}.//YUV Sharpen Attr.{. 0, //op_type. //auto motion_texture_freq. {200, 180, 150, 100, 90, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, },.}.//3 DNR Attr.{. 130, //math.}.//Drone Info.{. 84, //focus pos. 0.000000, //Height. 0.000000, //gimbal angle.}.version=V1.0.2.image_depth=12.
This is visible using exiftool on Linux but not the standard "exif" viewer. Windows won't open the file though it will show the EXIF data which has a "Comments" field but not "Comment" as above.
I can use exiftool to modify the file like this and it'll remove the comment, making the file viewable in Windows again.
exiftool -COMMENT= MAX_0010.JPG
ls *.JPG | xargs exiftool -COMMENT=
Wasn't sure if anyone else has seen this or know which setting the app might cause this extra data to be written. I don't see anything other than adding a custom stamp or time stamp to the photo which are both already disabled.
I've been running a 256GB card that I often have to re-insert at startup for it to detect so I'm going to try a smaller/better card first to see if that fixes the issue, then the firmware update. I'm also going to try running it in JPG vs JPG+RAW to see if that could be what's causing the extra comment on the JPG files.
I'll update which of this does or doesn't fix the issue but in the mean time there is at least a know field that can be zeroed out on the EXIF data to get past the issue