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Cold Battery Warning in Florida!


Dec 23, 2016
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Went to fly today and got an "over cooled battery" message as I was booting up. Temp said 64 degrees. I live in Florida and had the X-Star inside all day long so surprised that I got this message especially when it is 58 degrees out. Autel Support said you will get that message if the battery is below 68f.. They said you need to warm the battery up by hovering or idling. Any of you guys farther North than Florida have to deal with this??
They said you need to warm the battery up by hovering or idling. Any of you guys farther North than Florida have to deal with this??

For really cold days I keep my batteries in a cooler that has a couple hot packs in it. Even then I've got the warning by the time I get settled and ready to launch. Just let it sit up in the air for 20 seconds and then go on my way :)

It should take no time at all starting at around 60F outside, best of luck!
Haven't had to use the hot packs yet, but I will keep them ready if it gets below 60 around here again! Keep flying!
I've gotten ridiculous battery warnings as well. Nevada in the summer is rarely cold. Certainly not cold enough to rate a battery warning. 55 - 60°?
I live in Arizona where i get cold battery warnings also, Think i'll be transporting them in a wool sock to keep them warm. Didn't know this could be a problem in Arizona! Any other suggestions? Would love to here from the PRO flyers.
Got one yesterday flying, it was 35 outside and the battery was 64 I hovered for a few minutes, the temp actually dropped 1.5 degrees on the battery and I said screw it and took off and flew. About 4 mins later it warmed up to 70 and warnings stopped

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