Autel Evo II Pro Beta Firmware 2.5.11 and Beta iOS and Android Autel Explorer App Testing and Bug Report (Revised)
After successfully updating firmware of Autel Evo II Pro to beta version 2.5.11, I did the following:
Beta Firmware Version 2.5.11 dated Oct-09-2020
Firmware Bugs
Autel Explorer App Beta iOS Version V1.7.5 dated Oct-09-2020
Autel Explorer App Beta Android Version V1.1.7.8 dated Oct-11-2020
Autel Explorer App Beta Android Version V1.1.7.9 dated Oct-13-2020
After successfully updating firmware of Autel Evo II Pro to beta version 2.5.11, I did the following:
- Performed two IMU Calibrations with aircraft on a stable, perfectly-level granite countertop in my kitchen
- Performed a compass calibration outdoors over grass using new 3-axis calibration procedure
- Performed two gimbal calibrations with aircraft sitting on a stable, perfectly-level granite countertop in my kitchen
Beta Firmware Version 2.5.11 dated Oct-09-2020
- Number of reported GPS satellites by the Autel Explorer app in two separate locations (near my house and in an open grassy field adjacent to a park) has increased by approx. 6 vs. number of GPS satellites reported in the same locations with previous versions of firmware including 2.5.0. After installing beta 2.5.11 firmware and performing two IMU calibrations and a compass calibration, Autel Explorer app now reports 13-18 GPS satellites are visible with the aircraft on the ground and 23-25 GPS satellites are visible when the aircraft is above 50 feet altitude at both locations. Wow!
- Aircraft no longer attempts to land 25-150 feet from takeoff home point on RTH as it regularly did with version 2.5.0 firmware. This improved GPS performance may be due to the new ability provided by the beta 2.5.11 firmware to perform a manual IMU calibration, which I did before flight testing.
- With precision landing turned on in the app, aircraft consistently lands within 3 inches of takeoff home point correcting its position several times during final 30 feet of descent. Excellent!
- Autel Evo II Pro camera autofocus works extremely well with sharp focus on center image in video frame achieved within less than a second and focus readjustment occurring as needed during flight.
- Very stable aircraft hover observed both a few feet above ground and at much higher elevations - recorded video appears as stable as if camera were mounted on a rigid tripod.
- When hovering or flying forward or backward at standard or ludicrous speed modes, very level gimbal horizon was observed. Excellent!
- 4K 60 fps video recorded during flights is crisp, highly-detailed and sharply focused. Photos are equally detailed.
Firmware Bugs
- GPS signal strength is not being measured/calculated and/or reported correctly (in my opinion) for graphical display in bar format on the Autel Evo Remote Control (RC). This was also the case for previous versions of Evo II firmware. For example, with 23-25 GPS satellites(!) reported and logged throughout flight records during multiple flights at 400 feet elevation in an open area on a sunny day, the RC display and the flight record (Android app) logs indicate only a maximum of 3 out of 5 bars of satellite signal strength. This does not make sense. It is not clear how GPS signal level is measured or quantified as bars of signal strength. I realize that the number of visible GPS satellites may not be directly a function of the GPS radio signal level detected by the GPS sensor module. On the other hand, assumming no sun spot activity, I can’t envision a scenario where a stronger GPS signal would be received than with aircraft in an open field at 400 feet elevation on a clear, sunny day! Unless, perhaps, the aircraft was launched from the top of a mountain! This bug is, I believe, the main cause of Bug #2.
- On EVERY takeoff, I get a “GPS signal weak” warning message. This is true even after allowing the aircraft to sit on the ground for up to 5 minutes after battery power on, and even on the 5th takeoff on the same battery with the aircraft battery running continuously for 25 minutes, in an open field on a clear, sunny day with 18 satellites reported on the beta Explorer app when the aircraft is on the ground and 23-25 GPS satellites visible with the aircraft 50+ feet above ground.
- When aircraft is rotating clockwise or counterclockwise or when the aircraft is turning left or right during forward flight, gimbal horizon tilts noticeably, but the gimbal will return to level horizon when turning stops. Further improvement in gimbal control performance during typical flight maneuvers is needed here.
- With full obstacle avoidance turned ON, Evo II Pro aircraft is slow to accelerate even with full forward right stick and even when aircraft is at 200 feet elevation with no obstacles within 100 feet above, below or for 360 degrees around aircraft. In addition, the Evo II aircraft will intermittently slow down with full forward stick in standard speed mode (22 mph max speed) to as slow as 6 mph as if it were sensing an approaching obstacle and then slowly accelerate again. This results in less than cinematic video. I believe this MAY be an unavoidable consequence of aircraft having two OA cameras pointing in six directions (up, down, forward, backward, left and right) and sunlight on a clear day occasionally shining nearly directly into one of those 6 sets of cameras, thus confusing the firmware’s interpretation of the OA sensor’s data. To avoid this random deceleration/acceleration issue, OA can be disabled, which is now facilitated by the OA switch icon at the upper right of the beta Explorer app display, but then this useful aircraft safety system is bypassed.
- Both the standard Orbit flight function (where pilot must first fly the aircraft directly over the center of object to be orbited) and the Program Orbit flight function (where target orbit object is selected by drawing a box around it with your finger on the Explorere app screen) are plagued by the following two performance issues:
- First, there is a quite noticeable jerk to the right at the beginning of each clockwise orbit as the app reports that the aircraft is calculating its orbit trajectory.
- Second, both the standard Orbit and Smart Orbit flight function fail to maintain the target orbit center in the center of the video frame in most, but not all, orbit flights. This is most apparent during orbits of several hundred feet diameter. By the 90 degree point in the orbit, the target object is slightly right of the center of the video frame; by the 180° point in the orbit, the target orbit center is noticeably above the center of the current video frame; and by the 270° point in the orbit, the original orbit center is significantly to the left of what is now the center of the video frame.
- This less-than-perfectly-centered orbit flight performance occurs on some standard Orbits and most Program Orbits. In closely reviewing the aircraft flight path and orientation as captured in flight records, the aircraft is indeed making a nearly perfect circular orbit around the target orbit center (great!), but the aircraft is pointing ever so slightly but increasingly to a position behind the original orbit center at the time it was identified prior to orbit initiation. This is most apparent with large orbit diameters of several hundred feet and if orbit diameter is increased during orbit flight. This is unfortunate, but certainly correctable by further firmware tweaking.
Autel Explorer App Beta iOS Version V1.7.5 dated Oct-09-2020
- During attempted synchronization of flight records while my iPhone 10Xs is connected to high-speed internet at home, message “No internet connection” was displayed and synchronization failed multiple times over two days. Later, synchronization succeeded and all 74 flight records were synchronized and displayed. Perhaps the Autel Flight Record server was down?
- Not all flight records appear in chronological order - particularly, but not consistently, flights made on the current date or the day before appear out of sequence towards the bottom of the list of flight records. Why? A day or two later, these misplaced flight records appear in the correct chronological order after additional flights are logged and synchronized to the cloud.
- Bars of GPS signal strength are not logged correctly in flight records - they show as 0 bars of GPS signal strength next to the number of GPS satellites. In addition, when viewing flight records on an iOS device that were originally recorded when running the beta Autel Explorer app on an Android device, the bars of GPS signal strength are reduced from the typical, in my case, 3 bars logged in flight records viewed on the Android beta app to 0 or 1 bar on the iOS beta app flight records. Again, flight records recorded on the iOS version of the beta Explorer app record as zero bars of GPS signal strength when there were three bars displayed on the RC during the flight.
- Program Orbit function consistently fails to initiate on the iOS beta app running on my Apple iPhone Xs due to reported “Weak GPS signal” even though RC is currently reporting 23-25 satellites and 3 bars of GPS signal strength. This does NOT happen when using the latest beta Android version app. I believe this may be due to the GPS signal strength being incorrectly calculated as low in the firmware (firmware bug #1) and then further under-reported in the iOS beta app (iOS app bug #3) as evidenced in flight records.
- In addition to the GPS signal strength being calculated incorrectly in the latest firmware as well as previous firmware versions (see firmware Bug #1), the incorrectly-calculated (in my opinion) GPS signal strength is then significantly under-reported by the iOS beta app - a double whammy. In flight records that are recorded using the Autel Explorer beta app running under iOS, the bars of GPS signal strength throughout the flight are consistently zero, i.e., no bars of GPS signal strength reported although RC displayed typically 3 bars during the actual flight. As noted above, If you are reviewing a flight record that was originally recorded on a device running the Android beta app of Autel Explorer, the GPS bars of signal strength show up as zero or one bar instead of the three bars that were recorded in the Autel Explorer Android version beta app.
- When flight records recorded using an Android device and the Android Autel Explorer beta app are synchronized to and then viewed on an Apple phone or iPad running the iOS beta Autel Explorer app, the distance from home point is erroneously displayed as starting at 6569.83 miles from Home!!! This is true even though the Android device GPS sensor has correctly and accurately got a lock on Home Point and is linked to a WiFi hotspot to get real-time Google map data for current flight. The distance from home point continues to display correctly in flight records viewed using the Android beta version of the Autel Explorer app even after multiple flight record synchronizations.
Autel Explorer App Beta Android Version V1.1.7.8 dated Oct-11-2020
- After 71 of my flight records sync and the message “Synchronization Completed” is displayed, no flight records were displayed and the screen message “No flight records are found” is displayed. After flying three additional flights, synchronization now shows 74 flights synched but only the most recent three flights appear before and after “synchronization completed” is displayed. After clearing app data, deleting Autel Explorer app and reinstalling beta app, all 74 flight records are reported to be synchronized, but, again, the “No flight records are found” message appears after “Synchronization Completed” is displayed. List of flight records is now blank. The following day, after completing another 7 flights for a total of 81 flights, only the 7 flight records recorded after the beta Autel Explorer app was reinstalled appear in the list of flight records following synchronization although all 81 flights are reported as successfully synchronized. Very strange. Note, however, that after synchronization all flight records (both old and new) are displayed on the beta iOS version of the Autel Explorer app. That's strike one on accurate flight record syncing and data preservation.
Autel Explorer App Beta Android Version V1.1.7.9 dated Oct-13-2020
- After clearing app data, uninstalling Autel Explorer App Beta Android Version V1.1.7.8 and installing Autel Explorer App Beta Android Version V1.1.7.9, and synching my 82 flight records, all 82 flight records now appear in flight record list, BUT all flight records logged prior to Oct-11-2020 are erroneously dated "01/01/1970 00:00:00" and in the flight record list: the flight distance displays as "0ft," flight time displays as "0s," maximum altitude displays as "-3281ft," # of pictures taken displays as "0" and the recorded video length displays as "00:00." Not good! Fortunately, when viewing these "older" individual flight records, the gps Google map flight path, # of GPS satellites, bars of GPS signal strength, altitude, speed, flight length, battery level, distance flown, and distance from home point data throughout the flight appear intact, but the flight date is again erroneously shown as "01/01/1970" and the flight location is "Unknown Place." That's strike two on accurate flight record syncing and data preservation.
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