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X-Star Premium & X-Star WiFi FIrmware Issues Version Now @ 2.0.12 Final


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2017
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Northern Ontario
Starting this post to maybe get some of the problems that we might have encountered from the July 25 release of firmware Current version:1.3.30 (2.0)
and how you or customer service solved them for you.
Please post any problems with as much detail as possible. This will help others help you.
Maybe LuvMyTJ can make this a sticky so it does not get lost.
OK I will start with a annoyance message I have never had before the upgrade. "Aircraft is in alt. restricted area"
I know for a fact that I am not in a restricted area and no way of turning this message off.

Second problem was compass calibration. Never had a problem before but it failed on my first one. I see many people having this problem. I found having the second part of the dance where you have the quad with the nose down I had to make sure it was straight up and down and it worked.

Just these two for now.
I guess it makes sense to pool all these into a single thread; there are already 3 on the forum. :) LuvMyTJ, any way to make a single thread out of all the others, or maybe somehow moderate all replys about firmware issues to this thread?

In any case, I know I've posted in other threads, but here's what I like so far:
  • The yaw is *much* better! As mentioned elsewhere, it's going to take a bit of getting used to.
  • I personally like the EXP settings closer to .7 than .2. (I initially thought the exp settings were backwards; I was expecting when setting exp to .7 the yaw would be slow at small stick deflections, and faster at large deflections. And when setting the exp to .2, the yaw would be quick at small stick deflections and slow down with larger deflections. I'm experiencing just the opposite, but I'm pretty sure that's just because I'm misunderstanding.)
  • Landing is rock solid; *so* much better!
  • Low level flight is a dream
Here are the issues I'm seeing and that I've sent to Autel; I'll update this with any responses I get from them:
  • The sonar height reading only seems to be enabled below 6ft; I understood it was supposed to be active up to 10' but I may be wrong about that.
  • It is certainly much more aggressive on letting go of the right stick. I've found, though, that if for example I'm moving forward fast, then pull (the right stick) back all the way, the xsp "leans back" as if I'd just let go of the stick, flattens out to almost "flat", and then leans back only a tiny bit more. I was expecting that the xsp would lean back to the max angle and stay there. If I'm hovering and pull the (right) stick back all the way, the xsp leans back to max angle and stays there, as expected. Then if I shove the right stick forward, it leans forward to max angle, flattens out, then leans forward gently and not to max angle.
  • I'm only seeing a maximum of 15 satellites, whereas I normally see 20 at this location. Autel response: You may see some change in satellites, that's normal.
  • In the app, I now get this annoying voice prompt. "A no fly zone nearby is restricting takeoff" is said over and over, and the "Aircraft in No Fly Zones, flight denied" message blinks on and off until you actually take off. It doesn't prevent you from taking off. Oddly, there isn't a "no-fly zone" anywhere close to me. I'm in class G airspace. The edge of Class D is about .4 miles from me.
  • upload_2017-7-25_20-34-8-png.786
  • When you take off, the talking stops and the banner along the bottom is replaced with this box. You can't dismiss it, and you can't tap anything on the screen until you land. After landing, the box goes away and the banner starts blinking on and off again and the Voice starts again.
  • upload_2017-7-25_20-34-38-png.787
Responses from Autel so far:
  • The reminder is near impossible to turn off. The restrictions for airspace, can be removed if needed but its a time consuming process involving a lot of hoops.
  • They are still looking into why those messages are occurring as well. There's been no updates to our NFZ list, so that's not the cause.
  • In regards to reverting backwards, there is not a way to go back in FW. It would either require another version to be released or a patch if there some kind of error requiring a immediate FW change.
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Thank you WildDoktor, for your detailed post.
My son and I took a long drive out into the forest where the logging goes on. No airports, no helipads no nothing but bugs and bear ****. Even out there I was getting that stupid message about height restrictions. I get at home, down the road 10 miles away and now 30 miles in the middle of nowhere. :(
I have forwarded my results to Autel yesterday with no come backs yet. Guess they are busy or have no idea what is causing this from the old firmware.
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Reading a post in another thread I was reminded of this issue. Running android App without XSP connect and turned on I only had the normal 15 waypoints. If I had the XSP turned on I had the new 99 waypoint option. If I started the motors I had no option to plot a course.
I was just in the air at a different location a few minutes ago.

  • Flew thru 2 batteries
  • Didn't do a compass calibration
  • I got a new message this time: "Aircraft at Height Restricted Areas, please fly carefully", over and over; muted it
  • (I *am* in class D airspace, for which I have a waiver; my height restriction on the waiver is 200' and I never went over 160' today)
  • I couldn't start/stop video or camera while in the air (I had to start video while on the ground and then take off)
  • Orbit mode doesn't work due to the "restrictions"
  • I had 3 app disconnects...have never had one before on the old FW (But I did the first time I flew with the new FW, I just forgot to report it). I had to unplug my android and plug it back in to re-establish connection
I just updated my ticket with Autel.
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Got a quick response from Autel:

"I'm not sure this will make you feel better, but we've had a few reports of the same experience from other customers as well. The engineers are working on it now to determine what changed to cause this issue and how to fix it. I will give you an update as soon as I have one!"

Actually, I'm ok with this...at least there's activity!!
I just sent this to them as well.

I had a sec to grab a screenshot and attached it. A question I have with this shot, besides the warning, is the circle at the top with the arrow that represents the XSP.

In this shot, the xsp is physically pointing almost exactly to my position, which is in the red circle (in the shade!). But the representation of the xsp is pointing to the left.

I don't know what that means. Where is that supposed to be pointing?

Ya mine has never worked right either that I can remember. One of the App updates I remember Eric Godfrey saying it was fixed but to me it is still hard to figure out.
The biggest problem to me is No-Fly-Zone restrictions. The last thing I want is a craft that tells me what it will and won't do. This has to get straightened out or I'll be fine with the old firmware forever.
Same with me - as a commercial operator, I can't have a bird that thinks it's smarter than I am about airspace. Unfortunately, the fix certainly won't be quick based on track record, so I'm assuming I'll be stuck with 1.2.8 for the foreseeable future, if not for the remaining life of the drone. :(

These built-in NFZs that all of the manufacturers are migrating toward might have been a good idea prior to Part 107 (very arguable), but it's a terrible idea if you're trying to market a drone to anyone who plans to use them for any kind of commercial operation. Plus an NFZ database is virtually impossible for a drone manufacturer to keep accurate and updated in a timely manner, which will lead to problems for hobbyists as well.
Responses from Autel so far:
  • The reminder is near impossible to turn off. The restrictions for airspace, can be removed if needed but its a time consuming process involving a lot of hoops.
  • They are still looking into why those messages are occurring as well. There's been no updates to our NFZ list, so that's not the cause.
I'd be interested in knowing more about what those "time consuming" "hoops" are for removing the restrictions for airspace. As a commercial operator it's critical. Autel and other manufacturers would be well advised to start streamlining the process for certified Part 107 operators to "unlock" their drones - we've already proven our competence and attention to safety to the people who count (FAA). It should be a simple process to enable our ships to actually fly where we are already legally authorized to do so.

Since Autel made a push to woo commercial operators by offering to pay for their Part 107 exams, you would think they would be more sensitive to the issue and be more innovative with the implementation of NFZs (or maybe just forgo them altogether).

  • In regards to reverting backwards, there is not a way to go back in FW. It would either require another version to be released or a patch if there some kind of error requiring a immediate FW change.

I'm suddenly very glad I elected to wait on this update :(
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New guy here. I bought my XSP a few days ago and I'm not sure if the quad has the latest FW. How do I find what version is currently installled? And should I bother updating? Thanks.
If you just got your XSP then it is not updated. The updated firmware is on the main Autel web page. Since it is still in beta you have to agree to the terms.
The choice of updating has to yours as we cannot make that choice for you. I can tell you it flies a lot better on the beta firmware but there are a few wrinkles that need to be fixed.
I heard back from support about the "arrow":

"The arrow is showing where the aircraft is pointing to. So where the drone should be facing. Keep an eye on it for me and let me know if it continues, we may need to add it to the list of bugs but I havent seen any other reports of that issue so far."

If everybody seeing this issue could please send a message to support that would be great.

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Anybody notice or think it takes longer then normal to charge the batteries now with the firmware update? Might be my imagination but I just charged one that I used this morning and it seemed to take for ever.
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I'm charging a couple this morning and they seem to be taking slightly more time, but I've never actually timed them so I can't say for sure.

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OK I will start with a annoyance message I have never had before the upgrade. "Aircraft is in alt. restricted area"
I know for a fact that I am not in a restricted area and no way of turning this message off.

Second problem was compass calibration. Never had a problem before but it failed on my first one. I see many people having this problem. I found having the second part of the dance where you have the quad with the nose down I had to make sure it was straight up and down and it worked.

Just these two for now.
I went ahead and calibrated so no problem. But I had the very annoying "restricted altitude" or whatever too. I think it also kept me from using waypoints or the orbit feature. That really stank. I will try it again at my normal location.

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