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Shot with the Evo II Pro and Newest Firmware

TN Drone Services

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2020
Reaction score
I've often read that it's hard to get smooth movement out of the Evo II. This was all shot in manual and with manual controls with the latest firmware as of last Friday. I think it came out pretty smooth. The only scene not shot with the Evo II Pro was the last scene with the graphic overlay; that was shot with a Canon EOS R5 and a 70-200mm 2.8 L series lens.

This was funded by the Tourism CARES Act Grant Funding. They called us last Thursday with the following requirements:
1. Film one of the wineries.
2. Film a cotton field.
3. Film the lake.
4. Film the county court house.
5. Add a slogan.

Here's the link (it was shot and rendered in 4k)

I personally went out on that Friday and filmed the winery at golden hour and the cotton field thereafter. On that Saturday I went to the courthouse in the afternoon, then to the lake leading up to golden hour (and that's when the clouds rolled in). Sunday I culled, edited, color-graded, and then submitted the video to tourism. The only change they asked for was the web address at the end- I had the county's address, and they wanted it changed to the tourism site.

This drone is a tool just like every other camera and drone we have, but the things I really like about this drone over DJI's, Parrot's, and Skydio's offerings are:
1. Battery life
2. Quality
3. No Geofencing. Parrot has this too to be fair with the Anafi. (I've personally been burned with DJI on this before. I had the proper authorizations but DJI wouldn't let me take off. This stinks when you are 900 miles away from home and doing a job for a well-known company that happens to be headquartered next to the Greenbay International Airport!)

Now, having said all that, my only complaints are:
1. Having to correct the rotation in every photo and video we shoot to account for the gimbal losing its level.
2. No manual bracketing option (I really do need to expose my shots how I need them to look, not how the software thinks they should). If a scene calls for bracketed photos, I put this drone away and bring back out one of our DJI drones.
3. Hyperlapse. Hopefully, sooner than later, they will combine this with the mission side of things and allow for flights to be repeated. We currently shoot a construction job once a month for the department of transportation and we fly the same hyperlapse every time to show progress. I think we are on month 14. This is an area where DJI definitely still holds it's lead.

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