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Evo2 v.2 Official FW Release (V. 2.4.35 2023-03-22)

I will try again some small missions with uncharged batteries to test more... will have time in a few weeks to get to that..
Also should be getting a used DUAL 640R Enterprise (V2) soon so will try with that then as well.
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I did have the Explorer V2 app crash a few times on the Smart Controller during the 30 min mission but each time was able to get back into the ongoing mission quickly.

The same here with app crashes on the Smart Controller, several times during a single mission.
I have the Enterprise Dual 640 T RTK V2 with Smart Controller and the V2 app crashes regularly in waypoint and polygon missions, with or without RTK hat...
I tried it bravely for two days on more than a dozen of missions with several new uninstalls and installs.

Although it is possible to get back into the ongoing missions quickly (and video recordings, mapping tasks and RTK/PPK continue working "in the background"), it is really a bummer and annoying to get thrown out of the app so often. Flight logs get interrupted and are written in segments.

Sadly I again have to roll back to the July 2022 FW because that does not contribute to mission confidence, neither for the pilot nor for a nearby standing client...
I installed it and now the dials on my v2 controller no longer work. The only way that I can move the camera up and down, or zoom in/out is by using the touch screen options. I may try installing Explorer 2 app again to see if I can get the dials working again.
I installed it and now the dials on my v2 controller no longer work. The only way that I can move the camera up and down, or zoom in/out is by using the touch screen options. I may try installing Explorer 2 app again to see if I can get the dials working again.
You verified all modules updated via the Module Table, correct?
You can also try to calibrate the RC.
Yes, all modules are the correct versions as displayed in the v2 Firmware Version Table. I've already tried calibrating the RC multiple times as well -- no luck :(
No sooner after I posted my response, I tried it again, and now they work! I've restarted both the RC and the drone multiple times as I've been fighting this issue for the last 3 days. Makes me wonder now if the issue is intermittent.
Thanks for the report. Did you roll back to 2.3.13 ?
No, I rolled back to the FW "Model-C_WiMaxPad_FW_v2.3.23" with app "Explorer-V1.2.10-tablet7_9-release".

The only "real issue" I had with the 2.3.23 FW release (of 2022-07-07) was the PPK "Timestamp.mrk" file: it used to miss some of the RGB image (MAX) entries, while all of the IR image (IRX) entries were complete.
Today I checked RTK/PPK after the downgrade and "all of the sudden" all RGB and IR image entries were complete within the "Timestamp.mrk" file, most likelly because I kept the exposure method for the RGB (MAX) camera set to its "default Auto".
In a second RTK/PPK mission I used the "Shutter Priority" setting ("non default" that I normally use for having better control over ground speed vs. ISO value) et voilà: back were the missing timestamp entries for the RGB images...
So it seems quite obvious that with the 2.3.23 FW release one can have complete PPK timestamps for the MAX and the IRX camera, as lang as using RGB "Auto Exposure".
(The Beta FW and the V2 FW only record the selected camera into the "Timestamp.mrk" file, that means PPK for RGB OR IRX only.)

I checked the PPK process of the 126 total images mission (63 x RGB, 63 x IR) within "Emlid Studio" and it tagged all RGB and IR images "hassle free".
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No, I rolled back to the FW "Model-C_WiMaxPad_FW_v2.3.23" with app "Explorer-V1.2.10-tablet7_9-release".
Okay. I've got that version in my collection, but I don't have the related release notes and Mod. Table. Do you happen to have those? Edit: Found some
I don't know why Autel does not have a contiguous Release Notes, jeez.

It sounds like 2.4.35 is a mixed bag at best so far.
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I did have the Explorer V2 app crash a few times on the Smart Controller during the 30 min mission but each time was able to get back into the ongoing mission quickly.
I experienced this today as well. Is there a fix for this? I'd rather not have to roll back the app and the firmware. I was on the beta before this "official release." THe beta worked better!
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I experienced this today as well. Is there a fix for this? I'd rather not have to roll back the app and the firmware. I was on the beta before this "official release." THe beta worked better!
So we have three users here posting app crashes that came with the new V2 Explorer app. And even its preceding beta FW version did perform better.
From my part I can say that before the V2 FW, app crashes never happened to me.
So let's hope they will iron it out.
On my personal wish list for the V2 app is a selectable "manual gimbal pitch setting" within waypoint missions (like the "manual heading" option) that would result in pitch and yaw freedom.
The actual V2 came with a more restrictive gimbal pitch regime that only allows gimbal pitch changes during mission pauses. Additionally with V2 mission resuming became more cumbersome (slow).
When resuming (or starting) a mission, gimbal pitch is now always set to 0° what can be bad for the thermal camera looking into the sun for an extended time period while it is problematic to re-route mission resuming or starts manually in order to avoid sensor burn spots....
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In an effort to get this to work, since I am supposed to be flying for work all week, I factory reset the smart controller and upgraded to the new version from scratch. Same problem, random force closes even while just flying in Camera mode. Nothing should kill the app in Camera mode. That should be easy. Sooooo unacceptable. This is not an enterprise drone.

Hopefully, I have those Beta files I can downgrade to. I have a long corridor to map and film. Anyone got a copy of the Beta Explorer apk for the smart controller and the matching firmware handy? It had it's foibles but at least it was somewhat reliable.
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I really needed corridor capability so I am putting up with the force closes. Over the course of 4 batteries worth of flights so far today, I have had 10 force closes. That's tolerable when I am mapping as it continues while I restart the app. But trying to take any video is terrible since it force closes mid-video and the shot is ruined.

I've done both an OTA and SD Card firmware update on the drone. I verified the firmware numbers after I updated the app and the firmware and they match the latest firmware numbers and it doesn't make a difference to the intermittent force closes I am experiencing.


Anecdotally, I did the following today:
Polygon mission - 18-ish minutes, no force close
Waypoint timelapse mission - 10-ish minutes, no force close
Corridor Mission - 1km x 40m wide, 1 force close
3 waypoint missions, photos - 3 force closes
1 waypoint mission, video - 2 force closes
A manual video flight - 4 force closes

Silly question, but is there somewhere I can get support from Autel for this? I know from reading the posts here that that's not really a thing but I thought I would ask.
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Finally got the app and firmware updates to work today. Seeing same issues as others with app crash. I did a double grid mission with one app crash about 2/3 of the way through. I use the RTK version so quickly checked RTK link when I got app back up. It was briefly disconnected to network but came back and got fix quickly. The loss probably affected 4 or 5 images. I re-flew the mission with a minor oblique setting on gimble and no app crash.

When flying around in camera mode after missions completed, I had an app crash about every 5 minutes. I do like coordinated turn on rectangle mission though. Reduces flight time very nicely. Will be testing corridor mission soon. Hope the app crash doesn't come to bite me in the a-- on a real project.
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