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Interested customer with questions...


Jul 18, 2017
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I realize I'm speaking to the choir, so the responses may be biased, but figured I'd reach out to the community nonetheless.

Most of Autel's press ended a few months ago, and there's not been much news released that hasn't already been discussed. Updated firmware, check. New camera modules, check. All supporting the existing product frame (which is a good thing for existing users). But as a new customer, I don't want to purchase something that is on it's last gasp. I realize technology is always changing, and new is old in short time, but couple that with a strugling company, and it does not bode well for their product. I'm also concerned with the staffing reductions that strategically took place just after CES, laying off most of their sales and marketing staff in the US. Granted that group is as expendable as any other team, but they also generate new $$. If the company isn't generating new sales, unless this is a charity, it's not going to last very long resting on it's laurels. Especially with DJI as competition and new product in the pipeline seemingly all the time.
  • How strong is Autel as a company?
  • Going head to head with DJI is no small task.
  • Low(er) cost units DJI is producing must be taking the little market share Autel had (and others) one by one.
  • Who thinks Autel be here next year?
  • Will someone trying to get into the drone game scoop them up?
  • Anyone hear when obstacle avoidance will be incorporated into X-Star platform? This is important to me.
I've gone against the grain and purchased technically better products from smaller MFG's in the past, only to see the smaller MFG fold up because they couldn't get a foothold of the market share, or they get bought out; having a 50/50 chance of surviving. If anyone remembers back in the DVR days, I bought a RePlay DVR which technically beat Tivo hands down. But, they couldn't crack into the mass market share, stayed a niche player who were bought and sold a few times. Then then fell into the dustbin of start up's that failed history.

I'd just hate to spend $700 bucks only to see the product slowly die on the vine (which I realize isn't happening at the moment for Autel).
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Good points, only time will tell. I only have the XSP, but I think there are many on here who have multiple brands. I'll just enjoy the ride as long as I can. As far as obstacle avoidance, that is supposed to be on the next model, if and when it comes out. If you haven't already seen it, check out the video here. www.autelrobotics.com
Until Autel gets this firmware update behind them I really do not think you will see to much happening with new products.
Will they survive the big gorilla DJI? That is a tough one to call. Yuneec has the same problems as Autel with market share. Yuneec seems to be going after the commercial side of the industry. With them bringing out their H 520 and different cameras for that platform they just might have something to fight back with.

Autels only hope is to make it modular so when new products come out we as consumers can upgrade with little trouble in my opinion.
I can't offer you what I don't know about the company's situation if any is at play but I decided to order a unit from Autel last Friday and let me tell you that their follow up emails is refreshing and most helpful, I can say this for now, is that any news that a company is adjusting its operations by letting go of some of its personnel is healthy for said company by adjusting expenses to avoid much more drastic actions later.
Time will tell for Autel but at this point many DJI owners are switching to the X-Star which speaks volume to the possible outcome.
The product has to be supported and so far Autel is doing just that with their good service. I hope for the best with this fine company.

Good Luck All

  • How strong is Autel as a company?
  • Going head to head with DJI is no small task.
  • Low(er) cost units DJI is producing must be taking the little market share Autel had (and others) one by one.
  • Who thinks Autel be here next year?
  • Will someone trying to get into the drone game scoop them up?
  • Anyone hear when obstacle avoidance will be incorporated into X-Star platform? This is important to me.

Unfortunately, I don't think anyone here on this forum can answer most of your questions beyond pure speculation. If your asking my opinion, I think Autel Robotics (a branch of the parent company) is not very strong, and is quickly losing it's struggle to find a place in the market. Will Autel Robotics be here next year? Maybe. Will they be here in 5 years? Definitely not - I'd be willing to bet a significant amount of money on that.

....I'd just hate to spend $700 bucks only to see the product slowly die on the vine (which I realize isn't happening at the moment for Autel).

I've owned an XSP since July 2016, and I continue to use it as my exclusive platform for my aerial photography business. In my opinion, the image quality simply couldn't be matched by similarly priced options available from any other manufacturer at the time of purchase. I find that I do very little post-processing to images before releasing them to clients compared to other cameras I've used in the past. But, the XSP has it's limitations that must be compensated for as a commercial user, namely the yaw issue that has plagued the drone from initial release and still hasn't been addressed. Overall, it has proved to be a very capable drone that's very easy to use, and considering it's price point when I purchased it, I can live with it's drawbacks for now. In summer and early fall of 2016, I would have highly recommended the XSP to anyone looking to purchase a drone for a start up commercial operation or pro-sumer/enthusiast use.

That said, I definitely do not recommend an XSP any longer - and I think the product is slowly dying on the vine. The drone is getting left behind by the technology being offered by other manufacturers, and the problem is being exacerbated by the complete lack of updates to the existing platform through firmware or equipment updates. One of the impressive features for the XSP when it was released was the interchangeable camera body...well, that becomes meaningless when there aren't any other cameras to mount a year and a half after release (teasers and prototypes from CES don't count, only real products). And don't get me started about the firmware updates - I personally don't expect new firmware to ever get circulated publicly. Autel has been saying "by the end of the month" for new firmware since at least October 2016. I'm sure I don't have to remind anyone that the calendar now says July 2017, and we are still hearing "within a week or two" it might get released as a Beta. The firmware situation is a huge red flag, and alone it's enough of a reason to either hold off on the purchase or go with another manufacturer - it shows a fundamental inability to support the product in a meaningful and timely manner, regardless of how responsive and pleasant they seem to be when you call customer support. At this point, I would tell anyone looking to spend $700+ on a drone to look elsewhere - the XSP's technology is currently at least halfway through it's useful life toward obsolescence, and there seems to be limited product support forthcoming in terms of new features and software.

I'll happily fly my XSP until it becomes obsolete for my purposes (probably in a year or so), then it'll likely get relegated to backup duty and rarely flown once replaced. It's a shame - if Autel was able to achieve more market share and profit enough to develop some of the imagined equipment/firmware updates, there's no reason why the drone wouldn't be relevant for several more years.
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Totally agree with Airmet Tango, and I would like to add that the success of a technology company is based on three points: Customer service, innovation, and product update during its useful life.
In my case Autel has not even met the first, since in an incident with the use of Follow Me mode that ended with a severe crash when none of the RC command responded to land smoothly, Autel refused to send me the shipping label arguing that I do not live in the United States. ?? Even today the drone is under warranty.
As you can suppose I will not go into litigation 12000 kms away
But based on the current situation there are clear indicators of a company near to shutting than to still engaged.
I would not recommend anyone to buy Autel Robotics as they are very likely selling the production lag until announcing the product discontinuity.
Distributors of Autel have sold spare parts and not returned to have stock
Demaj , may I ask where you are located ? If you live close to the states lines would you not know someone in the States where you could ask them to service it from that US address ?
I live in Canada and I spoke to them regarding servicing it if in need of warranty work and I was assured they would service from my location if I pay for the Canadian portion to get it to the States.

Good Luck and keep us posted,

Thank you for your comment, but I live in Argentina, not in North America.
When Autel is telling me that they do not send me a shipping label, that means I have to pay for that.
Putting it in numbers, the cost of a round shipping, plus a probable repair charge, - in case they do not accept that the cause of the crash was due to hard or soft failure and not of the pilot, could exceed that a new drone.
Then and unfortunately, I will leave my drone Autel as paperweight, with no more than twenty flights, and I will transfer to DJI as they has support and dealers in Argentina.
PD;(I think this is another Autel´s error not to have extended the market to Europe and South America )
Autel refused to send me the shipping label arguing that I do not live in the United States. ??

To be fair, on their website it does specify that the customer is required to ship the device. If you live on another continent, you paying for shipping to them, and they covering the return costs seems pretty fair to me.


....as they are very likely selling the production lag until announcing the product discontinuity.
Distributors of Autel have sold spare parts and not returned to have stock

I've noticed this as well, which is what prompted my post.
Well Autel did get the update out, so kudos to them. But outside of that, the silence (lack of new product) from Autel is deafening. Picked up a Mavic From Sam's club as they have a 90 return policy and outside of loosing it, they'd take it back if I wanted to return it (confirmed with store manager) .

Pretty impressed with the obstacle avoidance (fwd only) that the Mavic has.
Well Autel did get the update out, so kudos to them. But outside of that, the silence (lack of new product) from Autel is deafening. Picked up a Mavic From Sam's club as they have a 90 return policy and outside of loosing it, they'd take it back if I wanted to return it (confirmed with store manager) .

Pretty impressed with the obstacle avoidance (fwd only) that the Mavic has.

Are you having any issues with the latest Mavic firmware that disables flight if you are in a DJI NFZ? I read a lot of messages on this as I was going to pick up a Mavic solely for the range aspect (it does kind of contradict the requirement of keeping the UAS in visual sight at all times though) but am holding off for now until that gets straightened out...I'm not letting a Chinese manufacturer tell me where I can fly when the FAA rules tell me I can fly there.
I'm not sure I can answer your question. While I haven't tried flying it near a major airport, I live about 2 miles from a small county airport (which services small learjets) and I haven't run into a NFZ issue. Now I haven't gone out to hunt for one, but so far I haven't been affected by the NFZ.. I have heard about the DJI's NFZ enforcement, and I'm not sure how I feel about it looking at it from a property rights angle. That being said, there are some hacks that supposedly remove this. Not sure of the rules here, so just google " DJI NFZ hack" and the hivemind will point you in the right direction to find more about it.

I recently flew the Mavic 1/2 a mile from my take off point (completely out of visual sights). It flew great and, I was pretty impressed with the video feed back from such small set of components. I wasn't over water, or wide open spaces. This was down a street with trees, houses etc surrounding me.
I recently flew the Mavic 1/2 a mile from my take off point (completely out of visual sights). It flew great and, I was pretty impressed with the video feed back from such small set of components. I wasn't over water, or wide open spaces. This was down a street with trees, houses etc surrounding me.

I know people do this all the time, and probably most think it's no big deal. And I realize that the VLOS rules (arguably) only apply to Part 107 operators. But I truly don't understand why folks continue to fly this way. Just my opinion, but it's irresponsible. Glad to hear it wasn't even in a sparsely populated area, but right down a street and near houses. Nice. :rolleyes:
VLOS of site not only applies to part 107 operators but also a hobbyist. You are limited to operating within line of sight (LOS) as referenced in Part 336 of the CFR's.
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Good point Augustine...this is why I got the XSP in the first place...I can see it a half mile away, albeit a very small spec in the sky. The way I read the "rules", and we all read/interpret differently, is don't fly it over people in the open or gatherings...nothing to do with housing areas or buildings other than stadiums or buildings in restricted airspace. Maybe there is something I missed? I fly around my city all the time, local LE says it's fine and I accept all responsibility for my actions and my drones actions. My only words of wisdom when flying around housing...keep the camera pointing near forward and not downward...this should keep you out of privacy challenges from anyone as you don't show intent to watch them directly.
I wouldn't let it bother you to much. Even the FAA guy that hangs out on the official facebook page (Steve Meisner) breaks ever rule out there and seems very proud that he flew his XSP out over mile the other day.
I flew out 1.05 miles once just to see if I could do it. Otherwise, I always try to keep it LOS. I say “try” because there’s been a few times where I have it in sight, look down to my screen, then can’t find it when I look back up. Once, I couldn’t find it for anything, so I hit RTH - I could hear it, but struggled to gain visual contact until it was a few hundred feet out and up.
Thanks, Agustine, just ordered a couple. I’ll let you know how I like them.

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