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Help Hand Catching?

I've been hand-catching my Evo II because I often fly during mountain hikes (where permitted) and the landing zones are rarely large and flat and at-risk of damaging the props or camera/gimbal. I agree with several of the recommendations here. Practice at home. Practice with thick gloves. Let the Evo land in your hand and be patient -- it may take a few seconds for the props to stop. Don't fight it or grab or wrestle the drone. Don't do this in windy conditions and always position the drone down-wind from you.

My experience has been good and uneventful most of the time. I've had a few scenarios where I thought the props would not stop after a few seconds but maintained my position with flat/open hand below the drone and it always eventually stops the props.

The Evo can also be hand launched although that's even more challenging than hand catching. You need a lanyard or some way to hold the controller in one hand while your fingers press the control sticks together -- and then you hold the Evo in a level position with your other hand from the bottom/rear. After the props spin-up you toss the Evo up and slightly forward and it will quickly adjust prop speed to maintain position. Some people have made the mistake of not trusting the Evo to hold altitude after tossing and attempted to reach for it. That will most often result in badly damaged wrists and hands or worse.
Chytil jsem své Evo II z ruky, protože často létám během horských túr (kde je to povoleno) a přistávací zóny jsou zřídka velké a ploché a hrozí poškození rekvizit nebo kamery/gimbalu. Souhlasím s několika doporučeními zde. Cvičte doma. Cvičte s tlustými rukavicemi. Nechte Evo přistát v ruce a buďte trpěliví – může trvat několik sekund, než se rekvizity zastaví. Nebojujte s dronem, nebojujte s ním ani s ním nezápaste. Nedělejte to za větrných podmínek a vždy umístěte dron po větru od vás.

Moje zkušenost byla po většinu času dobrá a bezproblémová. Měl jsem několik scénářů, kdy jsem si myslel, že rekvizity se po několika sekundách nezastaví, ale udržoval jsem svou pozici s plochou/otevřenou rukou pod dronem a vždy to nakonec rekvizity zastavilo.

Evo lze také spustit z ruky, i když je to ještě náročnější než chytání z ruky. Potřebujete lanko nebo nějaký způsob, jak držet ovladač v jedné ruce, zatímco prsty tisknou ovládací páčky k sobě – a pak držíte Evo ve vodorovné poloze druhou rukou zespodu/zezadu. Po roztočení podpěry hodíte Evo nahoru a mírně dopředu a rychle upraví rychlost podpěry, aby udržela pozici. Někteří lidé udělali chybu, že nedůvěřovali Evo, že po odhození udrží výšku, a pokusili se na něj dosáhnout. To bude mít nejčastěji za následek vážně poškozená zápěstí a ruce nebo ještě něco horšího.
Ahoj. Většinou by měl výrobce dronu na tyto problémy reagovat a opravit nebo zlepšit - zjednodušit přistání dronu... Upřímně řečeno, takové problémy s přistáním Autel Evo 2 Pro s DJI Phantom jsem ještě nezažil...
And let's not forget: "talk calmly and with a nice voice with your drone, in order not to start being aggressive with your hand"... :))))
Wanted to pass on while performing a hand land with collision avoidance off I got a surge in props after the unit fell into my hands with the throttle stick all the way down. After numerous attempts with the stick down it would not shut down the motors and went max power. Scared to release the unit I cycled one handed the RTH and pause buttons and thanks to the lanyard mounted controller I even tried to set max RTH to 25 feet. I saw on the screen after trying that “controller disconnected”. With 75% battery letting it die was not an option so I was able to release the battery. I then cycled the unit and checked all safety checks and restarted the drone without an issue. I know hand landing has it’s risks. To this point its been my go to to preserve props and dust in the motors. Ive done this with multiple drones since 2013 with no issues. I DON’T RECOMMEND WITH THE LATEST FIRMWARE VERSON!!!!
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Wanted to pass on while performing a hand land with collision avoidance off I got a surge in props after the unit fell into my hands with the throttle stick all the way down. After numerous attempts with the stick down it would not shut down the motors and went max power. Scared to release the unit I cycled one handed the RTH and pause buttons and thanks to the lanyard mounted controller I even tried to set max RTH to 25 feet. I saw on the screen after trying that “controller disconnected”. With 75% battery letting it die was not an option so I was able to release the battery. I then cycled the unit and checked all safety checks and restarted the drone without an issue. I know hand landing has it’s risks. To this point its been my go to to preserve props and dust in the motors. Ive done this with multiple drones since 2013 with no issues. I DON’T RECOMMEND WITH THE LATEST FIRMWARE VERSON!!!!
Same here with the Lite +. When landing and catching it with the hand the props wont stop and go max power, so i always need to then flip it around so the top faces the floor and the props stop.
I wonder if that does any harm to the drone..? And with hand launching, the drone props turn up full speed so that i am scared to let it go, so i never let it go and turn it upside down again so it stops.
I need to hand lauch on the hiking mountain way, because the ground is not even enough. Any solution?

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