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Apr 16, 2024
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Iā€™ve been avid for about a year and a half now. I have yet to try DJI or Autel. I have a friend that has an Autel it was šŸ˜ at first flight. I went ahead and got the Nano Evo. It came in yesterday and I have a few questions for the experienced Autel pilots. My first question is when getting ready to take flight does the Nano connect by WiFi on my phone, how much flying time do you get from a single battery, how far is really the transmission work in miles? Iā€™ll start with these three questions. I greatly appreciate any response and advice.

I have the Limitless 4, Bwine F7, Holy Stone HS600, Holy Stone HS700, Ruko F11PRO, & Potensic ATOM.
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All Autel drones connect with their own proprietary systems, Nano uses what is called Skylink that switches through 3 different bands, 2.4, 5.4 and 5.8 ghz I believe. I think real flight time for you would be around 25 minutes. The transmission system is pretty good, you should have no problems with distance if you follow the rules keep it VLOS. (Visual Line of Sight) None of the other drones you own really can compete with it. Have fun and be safe!
Iā€™ve been avid for about a year and a half now. I have yet to try DJI or Autel. I have a friend that has an Autel it was šŸ˜ at first flight. I went ahead and got the Nano Evo. It came in yesterday and I have a few questions for the experienced Autel pilots. My first question is when getting ready to take flight does the Nano connect by WiFi on my phone, how much flying time do you get from a single battery, how far is really the transmission work in miles? Iā€™ll start with these three questions. I greatly appreciate any response and advice.

I have the Limitless 4, Bwine F7, Holy Stone HS600, Holy Stone HS700, Ruko F11PRO, & Potensic ATOM.
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!

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