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Another Autel Explorer update - still no EVO 1 updates

False, at the end of a certain period the OS is blocked on the oldest phones. Try to put a version of Android above 5 on the Samsung S2 or Tab S2 and you will see. The obsolecence of a phone is also done by blocking the top version of android and preventing it from upgrading to the higher version.
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I'm relatively new to the Autel scene, but didn't the Evo 1 go end of life the moment the Evo 2 was announced? ?‍♂️

DJI normally end their product updates and support as soon each successive model is made available, are Autel different?

That isn’t true. DJI does not automatically EOL a product as soon as a new version of that product line comes out. You can still get support from DJI for a Mavic Air even though the Mavic Air 2 just came out a few months ago. You probably shouldn’t expect much in terms of updates for a 2+ yr old product from DJI, but you definitely should not expect it to be EOL!
False, at the end of a certain period the OS is blocked on the oldest phones. Try to put a version of Android above 5 on the Samsung S2 or Tab S2 and you will see. The obsolecence of a phone is also done by blocking the top version of android and preventing it from upgrading to the higher version.

Hmm.... I have (2) Samsung Tab S2's, (1 early model, (SM-T710) & 1 later model, (SM-T713) & both have Officially released Android 7, (Nougat) on them.
I'm talking about the S2 smartphone and the Tab S2 pro Tablet (SMT-320), both permanently locked on Android 5.
SMT-7xx are more recent but will not go further than Androïd 7, it is the last update. which ends the series.
We both know the SII, (S2) is almost 10 years old. They may be limited for OS updates as you said, but fail to have the horsepower or ram to deal with later versions of Android. That has to have some influence.
I can live with not getting any new functionality for the Evo 1. But losing features that we had pisses me off.
Exactly, and also when features of the software simply don’t work as they should.

This is not a case of personal preference, it’s a case of calculations made by the code being obviously incorrect

This is explained in my post regarding Altitude vs Overlap

This works properly for EVO 2, but is simply broken for EVO 1

To leave the software in such a state is not conducive to continued customer loyalty

I can only hope they have plans to address this simple issue of basic calculations in their code. This is not a hardware limitation, as far as I can reason. It’s faulty code in their Mission Planner (specifically for EVO 1) which needs to be corrected.

I’ll fully understand that EVO 2 is the flagship and needs some increased focus, but if EVO 1 is just left with broken mission planning functionality, they’ve lost a future customer.

A simple, brief acknowledgement from Autel on this would be nice. So far, they don’t answer questions relating to this on their website, or even their YouTube videos.

Until this is corrected, it’s an incomplete, sub-standard product.
Not true for phones though!
No Kidding!! When Samsung updated the Note 9's and I lost VIDEO recording in PRO mode, I was pissed !! I bought it for that feature. They still have not restored that function, and they made it lousy point and shoot video mode which blows...
Exactly, and also when features of the software simply don’t work as they should.

This is not a case of personal preference, it’s a case of calculations made by the code being obviously incorrect

This is explained in my post regarding Altitude vs Overlap

This works properly for EVO 2, but is simply broken for EVO 1

To leave the software in such a state is not conducive to continued customer loyalty

I can only hope they have plans to address this simple issue of basic calculations in their code. This is not a hardware limitation, as far as I can reason. It’s faulty code in their Mission Planner (specifically for EVO 1) which needs to be corrected.

I’ll fully understand that EVO 2 is the flagship and needs some increased focus, but if EVO 1 is just left with broken mission planning functionality, they’ve lost a future customer.

A simple, brief acknowledgement from Autel on this would be nice. So far, they don’t answer questions relating to this on their website, or even their YouTube videos.

Until this is corrected, it’s an incomplete, sub-standard product.
I for one do not buy that they did not have the processing power to provide a waypoint or smart orbit mode with POI's... ANAFI has all that stuff.

Two things keep me with Autel... my clients love the camera quality... my clients love the fact they are no longer embarrassed for me as I sort through apps, and code permissions to fly.

Several things I do NOT like about Autel

Mission plans... terribly bad, barely usable if I wanted to use them. Thing is, I learned to fly more and work gimbal myself, and I can do more manually than with a mission plan route that when planned offsite seldom works out since you have to address the altitudes, directions, etc on site on that date.
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I underwtand what you’re saying (regarding EVO vs X-Star) but in this case it’s slightly different, because 1)EVO and EVO II use the same app i.e. Autel Explorer (granted, there’s obviously different code for each drone series), and 2) There are features of Autel Explorer (for EVO) which literally don’t work as they should (see my other post regarding altitude vs overlap)

I feel it’s at least their obligation, if they don’t want to disenfranchise EVO users so much that they choose another manufacturers instead of upgrading one day to EVO II, that they at least address some of the aspects of their software which are literally not working properly. There is literally no reason why Autel Explorer for EVO miscalculated overlap for different altitudes other than sub-standard programming. It’s basic math / trigonometry. This is not due to a technical limitation of the EVO. It’s a simple math oversight in the code. A company who cared about their customer base would address such an obvious mistake.

If this is their sales strategy - to disregard a recently released product - I don’t see them succeeding.

Call me naive, but addressing an item such as the one I mentioned above is not too big an ask. In fact, it’s a reasonable expectation that a coder fixes faulty code when it’s pointed out. If Autel thinks it is too much of an ask, there’s literally no way I will continue buying their drones.
They also need to post apps that are scale-able to device size, or have app sizes scaled for certain size screens.
I for one do not buy that they did not have the processing power to provide a waypoint or smart orbit mode with POI's... ANAFI has all that stuff.

Two things keep me with Autel... my clients love the camera quality... my clients love the fact they are no longer embarrassed for me as I sort through apps, and code permissions to fly.

Several things I do NOT like about Autel

Mission plans... terribly bad, barely usable if I wanted to use them. Thing is, I learned to fly more and work gimbal myself, and I can do more manually than with a mission plan route that when planned offsite seldom works out since you have to address the altitudes, directions, etc on site on that date.
Good point and positive thinking. There is an opportunity to hone the hands-on flying & camera skills

It would still be nice to have some properly working automated features seeing as it’s the 21st century ?
what functions did we loose?
only upgrade i see for the evo1 is a larger tx and a bigger battery, everything is great on it!
what functions did we loose?
only upgrade i see for the evo1 is a larger tx and a bigger battery, everything is great on it!
There are many that believe the mission plans made for E2 would be fine added to the E1. Anafi does far more advanced flight plan missions than E1. Adding POI's and similar items doesn't require much more than a fw change.

E1 is not in EOL... they are still selling new ones.
i dont understand the obssesion with waypoints, the problem i see with having waypoints on such a "small" drone is the lack of carrying capacity, cant deliver anything , and the battery pack doesnt have enough range to outfly the radio connection.
I would buy a new evo2 if it could out perform the evo 1, which from my view it doesnt.

evo3 would have to have more capacities, such as a bigger radio to fit the hands, a radio that has some tunability, and switch programming, , ability to add larger capacity batteries, even remote induction charging on rooftop facilies for long range recharge, payload carry for aux accessories, and delivery/pick up abilities .
Nope, they are not.
A lot of people poo-poo the Anafi, but my understanding is that the latest software works with all models—except of course the features that work only with the Thermal. Will be interesting to see what happens now that they are releasing/have released the Anafi USA.
A lot of people poo-poo the Anafi, but my understanding is that the latest software works with all models—except of course the features that work only with the Thermal. Will be interesting to see what happens now that they are releasing/have released the Anafi USA.
I really like the Anafi. It's just too lightweight for the winds here on the Fl coast most of the time. Even the newer MA2 we tested failed the winds here as we had motor errors continuously. Evo does just fine, and does M2P. Weightier aircraft are best here.
Parrot Flight modes are outstandingly good. I've used them many times. Waypoints with multiple POI is awesome.
i dont understand the obssesion with waypoints, the problem i see with having waypoints on such a "small" drone is the lack of carrying capacity, cant deliver anything , and the battery pack doesnt have enough range to outfly the radio connection.
I would buy a new evo2 if it could out perform the evo 1, which from my view it doesnt.

evo3 would have to have more capacities, such as a bigger radio to fit the hands, a radio that has some tunability, and switch programming, , ability to add larger capacity batteries, even remote induction charging on rooftop facilies for long range recharge, payload carry for aux accessories, and delivery/pick up abilities .
Depends on how you use the mission plans.

Evo is great for most of my work, I just wished they could do what Parrot does for flight missions. Then they add more into the E2 pulling a "the E1 isn't capable hardware wise" to which I say BS !!

Firmware has crippled some of the E1's missions. WP has a 33m height min limit.. lol, and the orbit is limited distance wise as well. Totally useless on some work we do. We fly nearly every mission handcuffed by the app..

Mission planning is great because it saves time. Time is money. Yes, you get to a site, and have to alter things. Offline planning with POI really helps designate or pre plan the mission more easily. When you have a property or acreage you are filming, or taking photos, the Waypoint mission can serve well.

Lets say you have a lot that has a home, steel building for boat, boat ramp, and slip... many do here. All three are POI. With waypoints you can have the drone autonomously fly while you control gimbal. POI points the craft in the direction of the subject at all times. Nice to have!

Typically, flying that mission would run about a battery worth... If flying manual, 2-3 batteries because as you fly, and adjust gimbal etc it's much more difficult to do both. You will do more passes of the same flight to ensure footage is as needed. When doing only photos, Waypoints offer a ton of time saving features. HOWEVER.... the Waypoints for E1 are useless as they are. Camera options suck... Timelapse? really? Why not just A single photo, or select-able option for short video?

Explorer APP really needs some work too. TOO MANY useful features are buried in the app. It's a PITA to jump around in menus to do things needed all the time... like gimbal roll. NO drone I have ever used has had perfect gimbal settling.. NONE. I get that. I have seen the craft fight the wind tilted on its side one direction, and the gimbal fighting to keep horizon. I also know the gimbal horizon will tilt in any crosswind no matter the drone. Yes our M2P's do the same thing...

Gimbal Roll should be assigned to the multi dial when the app is being used. Simple as that. Dial in as needed. To access, push the dial button in to engage the mode. Turn one way or the other for the adjustment.

Here's an example of why the APP needs reworked...

In flight.. take off you wait for GPS most times... can take 20-30 sec depending on location
You get up in the air, hover, now adjust the gimbal roll if needed. Well, to do that you must go to settings, then gimbal menu, then to the gimbal roll, then back out again... This is A WASTE of BATTERY Flight time.

Could they simply add a Gim Roll option to the app main screen? Sure they could.
Camera and mission modes... Seriously.. just add a Camera Icon for manual flight. Press... DONE. Having to jump menus for that is again a waste of battery flight time.

Speed Modes... why are they buried in the app menus??? This is another huge time waster !!

Why not have a SPEED mode option on the app main screen! I would rather see photo and video options in a menu than I would Speed modes buried in settings pages. Next, give the option to NOT show the pop up announcements after 1x of seeing them. I don't need reminded that the OA is shut off.. I've flown this 300x

So a typical flight goes:
Take off, Hover and set gimbal roll. To navigate the menus for this adds a minute of down time
Now you fly to location in standard speed. Ohh, but time for precision mode... That is again in the settings pages... You go do that.. ohhh you hit a crosswind and gimbal is off a degree... Settings page, gimbal menu, gimbal roll, gimbal roll screen.. adjust... Close the screen to return to main screen.. Change flight direction, encounter different wind, or need to exit Precision mode... more menu screen navigating

Time wasting and plain dumb
In flight.. take off you wait for GPS most times... can take 20-30 sec depending on location
You get up in the air, hover, now adjust the gimbal roll if needed. Well, to do that you must go to settings, then gimbal menu, then to the gimbal roll, then back out again... This is A WASTE of BATTERY Flight time.

Could they simply add a Gim Roll option to the app main screen? Sure they could.

ooOOOOOooo....how about the ability to assign the Customizable Button A to allow interactive gimbal roll. For example, hold in button 'A' while rotating the gimbal pitch dial to adjust gimbal roll. Easy Peasy.
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ooOOOOOooo....how about the ability to assign the Customizable Button A to allow interactive gimbal roll. For example, hold in button 'A' while rotating the gimbal pitch dial to adjust gimbal roll. Easy Peasy.
We flew in some winds today, and again.. gimbal roll was a PITA !! Fly one direction gimbal settles, but the wind pitches the craft off some, and here goes.. gimbal roll adjustment. Set it.. exit the screens with the DONE tab... go back to main screen, fly to new location.. ohh crap, now it's off a half degree neg.. Again.. settings page, Gimbal menu, Gimbal roll, Select that... adjust, hit done... I did this 15x in a flight for about 25 pics.

The workflow is terrible, and YES the A or B button getting you in and out of gimbal roll would save at least 4-5 minutes of flight time that is wasted adjusting that stuff. It's probably a 5 minute app fix to at least assign a button to Gimbal Roll.
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