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Upgrade to E2P - ATTI mode?


May 26, 2020
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I am thinking of moving to the E2P from the M2P. I really don't care for the 6k video. What I do care for is:

1. 40 Minute battery life
2. No NFZ.

I'm tired of the geofencing even in areas they are not listed. I've had the M2P go into a fit while flying over my own property a couple months ago and my remote said I had entered an NFZ.

Very similar to other people, I'm sure.

One thing I want to make sure is that the E2P can be switched to ATTI mode. I've had my M2P come down like a meteor when the drone threw a prop and I didn't have that option. After I "hacked" the drone I was able to bring it down safely when a prop broke again.

Can this be switched on on the EVO 2 Pro?
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I am thinking of moving to the E2P from the M2P. I really don't care for the 6k video. What I do care for is:

1. 40 Minute battery life
2. No NFZ.

I'm tired of the geofencing even in areas they are not listed. I've had the M2P go into a fit while flying over my own property a couple months ago and my remote said I had entered an NFZ.

Very similar to other people, I'm sure.

One thing I want to make sure is that the E2P can be switched to ATTI mode. I've had my M2P come down like a meteor when the drone threw a prop and I didn't have that option. After I "hacked" the drone I was able to bring it down safely when a prop broke again.

Can this be switched on on the EVO 2 Pro?

Short answer NO
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Yes, it will automatically switch to ATTI mode if the GPS gets weak, you can also manual select it.... on my one with latest ish Firmware and software but I recall it was an option from the start, example if you were flying indoors...

Ok. The manually select ATTI option is exactly what I wanted to know. I saw you can on other models and assumed it was the same but when Augustine answered "no". It made me reconsider.

No there is no option in the App or on your RC to switch to ATTI mode. It will only switch automatically when it cannot acquire GPS. As in flying indoors. The Aute X-Star is the only unit that has a switch on the RC to select ATTI. This option has been asked for many times and Autel said they will forward it to the Tech people for a future update. As far as I know this has not been implemented yet.
If I am incorrect please let us know how in the App you can manually switch to ATTI mode.
people use copper foil and velcro to cover the gps and enforce atti mode if needed but thats slightly nerdy :)

@augustine I do beg your pardon, I did think if you switched to A-Mapp it turned it off... seems not.... I did however come across a mention somewhere in my investigations that Autel were going to add a manual on off in the next update... Cheers
@augustine I do beg your pardon, I did think if you switched to A-Mapp it turned it off... seems not.... I did however come across a mention somewhere in my investigations that Autel were going to add a manual on off in the next update... Cheers

Yes as it stands now there is no way to manually switch to ATTI mode. Not sure how switching to A-Map which basically is just China's version of google maps will allow you to be in ATTI mode. Autel has said they are looking into it, how far down the list of the wish list it will be is anyone's guess.
It is a needed option for many. In order to pass the requirements in some countries you need to demonstrate that you can fly without GPS.
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