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RTH Feature


Active Member
Dec 3, 2016
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North Carolina
Guys, just got the wifi version yesterday and have not had much time to go through the manual thoroughly and have a question regarding RTH.....................

How do you take control of the aircraft once RTH has been initiated if an issue arises that would warrant taking control? Seems I read that once it is activated, it cannot be canceled. Maybe that means two different things?

Thanks :)
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Thanks Dan. Does the same still apply if the aircraft has initiated the RTH itself due a malfunction of sort?
I'm not speaking from experience, so I can't answer that. It does state that you can control the aircraft after RTH is initiated, so I'd have to guess yes.

"Pressing and holding the Pause Button on the controller stops Go Home Mode. "


Dan K.
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I have cancelled RTH with Pause. You can also touch 'Cancel Home" in StarLink. In RTH mode, you can't control the heading and there are times that I wanted to return home while keeping the same camera direction. It's possible to do this manually.
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Thanks Tom & Dan;)

Does RTH work in IOC Mode? Not really understanding that mode either. I'm a 66 yr. old senior and the ole brain isn't as sharp as it once was.

Thanks for your help:)
The IOC meode is all about your orientation relative to the aircraft.

For example: Without IOC enabled, you start to fly with the rear of the aircraft facing you. You lift off, send it forward and slide left. Everything is easy. However, now you turn the aircraft around so it is facing you. Now you have to remember that when you want to slide left, you have to push the control stick to the right. That's because the control stick movements are relative to the front of the aircraft, not the pilot's perspective.

So long as you have a good GPS signal, the aircraft knows where you are and where it is. It also know which way it is moving. If you switch on IOC mode, the aircraft will resond to control stick movements not from it's perspective, but from the pilots perspective. So, regardless of which way the front of the aircraft is facing, if you move the right control stick to the left, the aircraft will move to the left as seen from your perspective. If you're in IOC mode and you push the right control stick forward, the aircraft will move away from you, even if it is facing towards you.


Dan K.
The IOC meode is all about your orientation relative to the aircraft.

For example: Without IOC enabled, you start to fly with the rear of the aircraft facing you. You lift off, send it forward and slide left. Everything is easy. However, now you turn the aircraft around so it is facing you. Now you have to remember that when you want to slide left, you have to push the control stick to the right. That's because the control stick movements are relative to the front of the aircraft, not the pilot's perspective.

So long as you have a good GPS signal, the aircraft knows where you are and where it is. It also know which way it is moving. If you switch on IOC mode, the aircraft will resond to control stick movements not from it's perspective, but from the pilots perspective. So, regardless of which way the front of the aircraft is facing, if you move the right control stick to the left, the aircraft will move to the left as seen from your perspective. If you're in IOC mode and you push the right control stick forward, the aircraft will move away from you, even if it is facing towards you.


Dan K.
Thanks again Dan. Very excellent explanation. In IOC mode, do most of the normal RTH features still function as well as auto land etc?
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I can't answer that from experience, but I don't see how IOC would interfere with RTH or failsafe mode.

Only one way to find out. Let us know how it works for you. :)


Dan K.
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I can't answer that from experience, but I don't see how IOC would interfere with RTH or failsafe mode.

Only one way to find out. Let us know how it works for you. :)


Dan K.
Trying to learn what I can in advance before taking this baby up. The wife is treating me like a kid on this one and won't let me open it until Christmas. :rolleyes: I'm 66 frickin yrs old:mad:

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