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Range extenders

Old Bama Dude

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
Lower Alabama
OK, So I got aggravated with only being able to fly about a half mile, so I broke down and ordered the parabolic range extenders to give them a shot. Well then, I walk outside and fly 1.04 miles...WHAT!! WHAT!!:eek:
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Don't know yet waiting on new remote. Will let u know this weekend though. Illinois weather been bad even if I could fly. Sucks
Dbs Maxx will double your range, but that isn't what I'm after. I like many have issue's with loss of control and video in places I know for sure it shouldn't. Dbs will correct that. I also have times with irratic decent to the point I do not auto land anymore. The deal with the dbs install is the ribbon connector on your board are real fragile, mainly due to heat. It's an easy install u just have to be very careful and gentle. I learned the hard way cost me a remote. With all said I still plan on installing it on new remote. Just going to be more careful. I will post some pics of install and what to look for when doing it. Should have remote tomorrow, going to rain for next 3 days, so I won't install it till I fly her at least once before I take it apart. I miss my pumpkin that much.
Dbs Maxx will double your range, but that isn't what I'm after. I like many have issue's with loss of control and video in places I know for sure it shouldn't. Dbs will correct that. I also have times with irratic decent to the point I do not auto land anymore. The deal with the dbs install is the ribbon connector on your board are real fragile, mainly due to heat. It's an easy install u just have to be very careful and gentle. I learned the hard way cost me a remote. With all said I still plan on installing it on new remote. Just going to be more careful. I will post some pics of install and what to look for when doing it. Should have remote tomorrow, going to rain for next 3 days, so I won't install it till I fly her at least once before I take it apart. I miss my pumpkin that much.
Nice right now, to windy to fly. I'll prob. Do a little hovering though. Want to see if any diff. in stability with new remote.
I'm curious about a couple of things:

1. What limits one to about a half mile or so range? I've flown mine out to nearly .6 miles and nothing limited me except the line of sight requirement, which brings me to my next question:
2. I've had mine out, as I said, about .6 miles and could barely see it. I have 20/15 vision (with contacts). I can't imagine going almost twice as far and being able to actually see it. How do you folks that have had it out to 1 to 1.2 miles maintain a visual/line of sight on your drone?
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I'm curious about a couple of things:

1. What limits one to about a half mile or so range? I've flown mine out to nearly .6 miles and nothing limited me except the line of sight requirement, which brings me to my next question:
2. I've had mine out, as I said, about .6 miles and could barely see it. I have 20/15 vision (with contacts). I can't imagine going almost twice as far and being able to actually see it. How do you folks that have had it out to 1 to 1.2 miles maintain a visual/line of sight on your drone?
I can't see mine a half mile out, much less a mile, I just watch my screen. I've only been a mile once, so far.
Me either, if u had read my post to start with u would have read the reason I'm going with a dbs, has nothing to do with range, and everything to do with retaing control. READ!!!!

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