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Question about fly a ways


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2017
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Northern Ontario
OK so this is just a WHAT IF type question. So what if my XSP just decided to fly a way. From what I can tell all the telemetry data files are stored in the craft itself and not the tx controller or in the app. Is this correct? With my Yuneec Q500 its stored on a SD card inside the controller and I am able to use that data to help track my quad down of give to CS to help decide if it was a pilot error or firmware screw up.
How would Autel handle such a problem? Is there some kind of secret storage on the controller?
inquiring minds want to know :)
Several ways to help IF you have a fly away...
1. Be sure to have selected "Show Flight Route" (in Starlink app, press settings, general settings, select Show Flight Route)
This will show a blue line on your map view everywhere you were flying. This will help you get close to finding it.
2. trackimo, you could buy and attach one of these.
3. Hold the HOME button or LAND if you see it happening.
4. As a last resort, use the emergency shutdown feature! Pray for SOFT DRY LAND!!
they would replace it for free if it happened
Are you sure? Seems like that policy of a free drone if you claim a fly away would be ripe with abuse. If they do then that is some sweet customer service. Why even spend the money on a Trackimo if they cover it.

If they don't, be sure to buy a 3G device, there are 2 in the marketplace that I know of at the moment... I would recommend the Trackimo 3G due to it's good track record and the low cost. I currently use a Pocketfinder (they are the other 3G maker) but even with my discount for being a long time 2G user the Trackimo is more affordable.
How often does a fly away happen? Has it ever happen to you? 1 out of every 100 flights, or 1 out of every 10,000 flights. If we use good judgement such as calibrating the compass before each flight and staying away from power lines it seems we should not have a fly away. My inquiring mind wants to know.
No I have never had a fly away and hope to never have one.
What are the percentages of fly aways I have no idea. Coming from the Yuneec platform I can tell you that almost everyday someone posts about fly aways on the Typhoon H. May be pilot error maybe not. Still it happens. My post was basically asking how does Autel handle a situation like that? I know how Yuneec has been handling it. They use the telemetry files in the tx to assess what went wrong and if its found to be firmware\hardware related they send out a new unit at no charge.

So if the xps is the only way to access the telemetry data and it flies off to god knows where I am thinking you might be out of luck.
I would recommend the Trackimo 3G due to it's good track record and the low cost.
Before now, I'd never even heard of the Trackimo. I did a quick search to find out what this little miracle might be. The reviews I read are mixed, and many of them come from quad pilots (mostly Phantom). It sounded to me like there were more problems with the Trackimo than with the quads!
It seems that nobody here knows how Autel handles a flyaway claim. But that doesn't stop them from replying, does it?
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Are you sure? Seems like that policy of a free drone if you claim a fly away would be ripe with abuse. If they do then that is some sweet customer service. Why even spend the money on a Trackimo if they cover it.

If they don't, be sure to buy a 3G device, there are 2 in the marketplace that I know of at the moment... I would recommend the Trackimo 3G due to it's good track record and the low cost. I currently use a Pocketfinder (they are the other 3G maker) but even with my discount for being a long time 2G user the Trackimo is more affordable.
was told by them would replace it
If they actually replace it with almost no questions asked that is amazing service for sure.

And fly aways happen to every UAV sooner or later, none are perfect. You really can't compare a company like Autel to companies like DJI & Yuneec as they sell many more units which will of course make the numbers go higher.
I've had a Autel Star premium setting in its travel case sense Sept when I purchased it, with all flyaways reported by DJI customers and no response from DJI, I am shelving the Phantom and getting prepared to learn more about my Autel . With its good customer support and from what I'm reading I'm ready to learn. Any first time Autel flyer suggestions.
Thank you
gil harger
5 months? Put the thing in the air...there is NO big learning curve to the X Star. It practically flies itself....NO WAIT...it DOES fly itself!
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