Update #1:
Well guys,..I completed my first week of study (Sunday through Sunday) and WOW, my head is spinning like a top!

In my first week I've completed my
first 'pass' of all the video's and quizzes. With the exception of one day, and because I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, I studied at
least an hour a day.
There is a LOT of information presented and WILL require multiple, slow, methodical passes though it to learn the principles and knowledge being taught. I'm not talking just memorizing the information, but really getting a good understanding of it.
In my first pass through, I concentrated on watching the video's, working through the flash cards and taking the quizzes. In my second pass (this week), I'm going to concentrate on reviewing the supplemental information for each lesson, and practicing reading Sectionals, METAR's (not a dinosaur after all, who knew

), TAF's and Weather Maps. Gold Seal has added a lot of supplemental information to each module/lesson. The supplements seemed to be comprised of both excerpts from the FAA and original documents produced by Gold Seal.
I've had several question during my first pass, and each time Gold Seal replied extremely fast.
My test date has been set for the 21st of Nov. So I should have the time needed to get my head around all the concepts and information that is required of me from the FAA. I won't know until test day if the information presented by Gold Seal is indeed what will be on the test.