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New Pilot in Oklahoma

The time it took you to post this, you could have had flight time in and more fun.
Welcome Jeff. I am into my 10th Fight. Enjoy your new rig.

Thanks man! I've had it out 5 times so far, weather here in the Tulsa area has been great for flying. Off beginner mode and venturing further out and higher now. Love the way it handles. These quadcopters are an amazing piece of technology!
Thanks man! I've had it out 5 times so far, weather here in the Tulsa area has been great for flying. Off beginner mode and venturing further out and higher now. Love the way it handles. These quadcopters are an amazing piece of technology!

I just came off B mode myself. That first flight above 100 feet was scary. I am down in Florida so lots of good flying days.
I just came off B mode myself. That first flight above 100 feet was scary. I am down in Florida so lots of good flying days.

Florida's awesome! I'm envious. I know what you mean, the further it flies from me, I get a little anxious
Got a bit of a scare last night, at about 150 ft up and 800 ft away, the XSP decided to have a compass issue and go into ATTI mode. It fought me to bring it back to the take off spot and wanted to fly away with sticks in neutral position, maybe I need to re calibrate them? Got it back though, although I had a rough landing. I recalibrated the compass and it did fine the rest of the time. Weird.
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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the AutelXPilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for
current developments in Autel quadcopter’s. Read the manual a few times and watch lots of Youtube videos on the subject to give yourself a good start.

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