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Lite+ users, did you consider the Evo Pro 2, v3?


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Nov 12, 2020
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Hi all- I am an architecture photographer and currently use the Evo Pro 2, v1 for my aerial work. 95% of my work are stills. I think it is a great drone and I have had no problems with it at all. Image quality is excellent. So now I am considering a second drone (need two for back-up purposes). Given my investment in v1 batteries, getting the v3 is sorely tempting. This guy's review is certainly encouraging:

My question is, did you consider an EP2, v3 before purchasing your Lite+? If so, what were the facts/features on the Lite+ that convinced you it was the better drone over the v3?
I have both E2P (V2) and Lite+ and would say the E2P is better in every way except cost, size and overall portability.

If you don't need extended flight time, the Smart controller SE or to carry out automated mapping missions then the Lite+ should be more than enough to obtain the photos you need.
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No, I can't justify paying 1500 for any drone, no matter its capabilities... Maybe a DJI Mavic 3, but still does not change the fact, there are great drones for the use I give.
I have both drones also. If you use AEB on the Lite+, you will be in auto mode for everything. That's the biggest difference between the Lite+ and the EVO 2 Pro V2. Most of the advanced capabilities automatically set to Auto everything including aperture, exposure, ISO, and shutter speed. The results are still usually very good.
I have the Evo 2 8K and the Evo Lite+. The main problem with the Lite+ is how bad it performs in any amount of wind. The drone speed varies 100% of the time not matter what mode you're in.
If you slowly increase altitude, the forward speed just dies. The Evo 2 8k has no such problem, the
drone has never let me down. Having said that, the Lite+ gives you a superior picture.
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I had an Evo 2 Pro V2 / V2 Smart Controller 7.9" and over time, it became less and less acceptable. Buggy Firmware releases no more than 2-3 a year, horrendous range when any trees are present. So much so that I sent controller and aircraft for diagnosis. Autel said, and I quote "The controller and Aircraft are working as designed. You were flying near trees, and this is why you had poor signal" (I live in North Carolina- we have trees here. Lots and lots of trees) I never got more Tham 1750 feet in any environment without video breakup, on either band (2.4Ghz/5.8Ghz) or auto switching. Control yes. Video no. I even but an AlienTech Duo 2 Boosted Active dual band antenna. Range was enormous, video barely improved even with 5 bands of "video signal" -either Autel failed to diagnose or fix it or it wasn't very good. Either way I was dissatisfied..Sold it. Months later I grabbed Evo Lite+

Experience: Aircraft gets 94% or more of advertised Flight time 38 minutes 40 seconds of 40 advertised. My E2P STARTED each flight counting down from 32 minutes and change. With 6 brand new batteries and after break in cycles never improved.

Problem with Lite + is no Smart Controller, none coming and the little joke of a controller won't last more than 3 batteries under the best conditions- using an Android phone.

And using a phone for flying ANY DRONE at this cost and in 2023 is a joke I'm my opinion. So. I love the aircraft - hate the controller. With no chance, at present anyway of a smart controller, it will never work optimally for Pro or commercial business, in my humble opinion, based on experience with both models.

Note V3 Aircraft should have exceptional signal. Forgot to mention that signal on Lite+ is as good as anything DJI that I have (and I have every DJI model released since Mavic Air 2 in 2919 except Mini 3 and Mavic 3 Classic. I have Mavic 3 and Mini 3 Pro, and see no need for the scaled back models) Mavic 3 Pro arriving Wednesday. That's some imaging capability, and I'm excited to check ot out.

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