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IMU Calibration


Active Member
Feb 25, 2024
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I am new to the Nano+. After updating the firmware it directed me to calibrate the compass and calibrate the IMU. The compass was easy enough but its refusing to calibrate the IMU. I have it on a perfectly level wooden surface. I even got out my level to make sure the surface was level. it never gets past the first section. It gets up to about 5% of step 1 and then says it failed and retry. I did this 4 times but the battery section started getting hot (I am assuming from being on the ground and not flying in the air so the fan works properly) so I stopped. Any suggestions? Or does it really need to be done?
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I've got the same problem.
I think its a ploy to upgrade firmware.
I don't have a sdcard inserted , how about you?
Well someone over at the Nano+ group told me to just try it one more time, "just for giggles" he said, and see if it would calibrate the IMU. So I did. IT WORKED! Maybe the stars were alined right. Maybe I giggled just right. Who knows. But this time...in the exact same place on the exact same kitchen table it went right through and told me it was a successful calibration. Now when it stops raining I WILL be flying.
on the exact same kitchen table it went right through
Lucky you. Postpone your flights and familiarize.yourself to the manual. Because if you did not know you have to be outside to succesfully complete the IMU calibration.
You probably also don't know if your Return to home is set to Hoover/return to homepoint/land immediately, as a simple example. I cross my fingers for you.

Lucky you. Postpone your flights and familiarize.yourself to the manual. Because if you did not know you have to be outside to succesfully complete the IMU calibration.
You probably also don't know if your Return to home is set to Hoover/return to homepoint/land immediately, as a simple example. I cross my fingers for you.

View attachment 17136
The IMU calibration and the compass calibration are two entirely different things. The compass calibration MUST be done outside so that the drone can connect with GPS. You cannot do it inside as it will tell you no GPS signal is found. The IMU calibration is so that the drone flies level. That can be done either inside or outside. I did my GPS calibration outside and it was done successfully. I did my IMU inside as it did not want to be done outside. I'm sorry if you do not know the difference between GPS and IMU.

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