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Fix for No Live Video Display After Updating Evo II Firmware to Version 2.5.0

I updated the firmware on my Evo II Pro this evening to firmware version 2.5.0 dated Aug-04-2020. After successfully completing the firmware update from the Autel Explorer app on my Android mobile device connected to the remote control (RC), I power cycled the Evo II aircraft and RC as instructed. After rebooting the aircraft and the RC, I found I had no live video feed appearing on my mobile device (CrystalSky Ultra Bright monitor). Yikes! I could control the gimbal pitch but no live video was displayed in the Autel Explorer app and all the camera settings on the bottom of the main display screen read “N/A.” I powered cycled the aircraft and the RC and restarted the Autel Explorer app on my mobile device two more times with the same result.

I then disconnected my mobile device from the RC and rebooted the Evo II aircraft and the RC. When I pushed the DISP button on the back right of the RC to switch the RC’s built-in display to live video, I just got the endlessly circling “wait-a-second” icon and a blank screen instead of live video. Not good! For a moment I thought the version 2.5.0 firmware was faulty or it had gotten corrupted during the firmware update process.

Fortunately, I was able to restore full live video functionality as follows. After reconnecting my mobile device to the Autel Evo RC and power cycling the aircraft and the RC, I started checking all the various menu settings in the Autel Explorer app. This is ALWAYS a prudent practice following a firmware or an app update. When I got to the “Image Transmission” menu, I found that all the menu settings read “N/A.” I tapped on Channel Mode and was able to select 2.4G as the correct (and only available) setting. Similarly, I changed Broadband Settings from “N/A” to “10 MHz” and, finally, changed Image Transmission Mode from “N/A” to “Smooth.” (Note: I am sure the other available settings for Broadband and Transmission Mode would have worked equally well.)

Apparently, during the firmware update process, the Image Transmission menu settings were all deleted or zeroed out, thus, the unuseable “N/A” readings displayed on the menu. When I exited the Image Transmission menu after changing these three menu items to good settings, the Autel Explorer app was one again displaying live video from the Autel Evo II aircraft. Hallelujah! I also checked the RC in standalone mode (without a mobile device connected) and I was now able to see live video from the Autel Evo II on the built-in RC OLED display after pressing the “DISP” button. Hallelujah again!

Let me know if any of you experience this same issue after updating your Evo II to firmware version 2.5.0. If so, hopefully the procedure above will also help you.
I’m having this same issue. My settings were not set at N/A, though. They’re set at the options you set yours to. Still no image.
I’m having this same issue. My settings were not set at N/A, though. They’re set at the options you set yours to. Still no image.
I have the exact same problem!!! I'm set at all the correct settings, and all I get is gimbal not ready and a grey screen on the app, and the continuous image loading cursor on the remote screen. VERY FRUSTRATED, I just bought this brand new. For the money they ask for these drones, you would expect things to run as advertised.

Does anyone have a fix, or should I return it for replacement?
Try reinstalling FW with SD card and rerun the process. If that doesn’t work, try rolling back to a prior FW by following the directions and file from Dronehacks that can be found in the forum.
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I have the exact same problem!!! I'm set at all the correct settings, and all I get is gimbal not ready and a grey screen on the app, and the continuous image loading cursor on the remote screen. VERY FRUSTRATED, I just bought this brand new. For the money they ask for these drones, you would expect things to run as advertised.

Does anyone have a fix, or should I return it for replacement?
Same exact here today and I have a paid gig tomorrow and will probably lose that money - Autel is supposed be the best etc. and why I purchased and to me no different than DJI - calling them tomorrow - It is a n Autel issue as too many are saying same thing. Very disappointed,
I just started using a mini tablet from Lenovo because I like the bigger screen. Well although before, using my Sony Xperia, the video feed was slightly spotty, now with the Lenovo I never get proper video unless I'm sitting in my living room. As soon as I start flying, the picture can take as much as 10 to 15 seconds to refresh. Ahhhhhh so frustrating. I end up flying blind.
All the settings seem good..Any Ideas out there please.
I have a samsung 2 tab 2017 model and it did not have video display either. I bought a new samsung tablet 10 inch and the screen display is fine. mounted on a customized lifthor holder
Since I don't have proper video feed on My Lenovo mini tab. Maybe we should all try and list which cell phone or tablet that displays feed efficiently.
I can't get a video image on my Galaxy Tab A either, now that I upgraded the app to Just a black screen. Everything else that's supposed to be there shows up fine including cached google map.
However, If I revert back to app, I get the video back .... but then I can't get the cached google map anymore. Just that blank map square with the Google logo at the bottom. I have tried dumping the existing cached map and replacing with new downloaded cached map but no luck.
So.... it's no video with .... no map with
If anybody's made any progress with using Tab A I'd like to hear about it. I am wondering if the Tab A's 2 GB ram is not enough horsepower to run video with the new app ....?

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