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FAA registration


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2017
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Ok, I'm trying to keep it legal and went to register my XSP for commercial use under Part 107 and it was $199, which I really didn't expect. Looks like our government has found another way to wring a few bucks out of us. Has anyone else paid the fee?
Welcome to the forum.

FAA registration is $5 and only done on the FAA site, no other sites as there are scam sites out there. Use this site - sUAS Registration

Who did you pay $199 to? To get a 107 you need to pass a test and I believe the fee is $150. There are a ton of study services also to prep you for the test.
FAA 107 info - Becoming a Pilot
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Thanks for the reply. I didn't pay anyone, I thought it looked suspicious. $5 is more like what I expected. I've already passed my Part 107 exam and have a temporary certificate. Waiting on my permanent license from the FAA but they don't seem to get in a hurry. Once I get that I can apply for the rebate from our friends at Autel! Thanks again for the info.
Yeah, then use the first link. It is quick and easy and it covers all drones you fly that fit the description that are required to be registered. :cool:
Waiting on my permanent license from the FAA but they don't seem to get in a hurry. Once I get that I can apply for the rebate from our friends at Autel! Thanks again for the info.

Congrats on passing! It took two months to get my physical card so it was a nice surprise when it finally arrived.

FYI, you can apply for the rebate from Autel using your temporary certificate and testing receipt. It only took a couple weeks for that to arrive.
My Pumpkin is all registered! And you were right, it was a whopping $5. Even after selling both kidneys and a dog to buy my XSP I could still afford the $5!

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