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EVO batteries discharge rate.

As compared to all my other lithium battery powered toys, a drone or helicopter demands more from the battery. It simply has to keep the rotor at speed for a heli and for a drone, it has to 4 or more motors to maintain flight. They just abuse the heck out of a battery. You can't install a larger battery. You are stuck using what came with the drone in most cases. This somewhat explains the reason DJI says the life of their battery is 60 cycles. A bit of insurance there... You may get 100 or more cycles out of it but the first 60 is a lot more reliable.
All the drones that I've seen or had experience with has a 4000 to 5000mah batteries and they should be in the 7000 to 9000 range. I now that increases the weight and decreases the performance but maybe a company could find a new happy medium and we could get a 45min flight without abusing the battery so much.
That's a feature, not a bug, designed to prolong battery life. In the Explorer app, check your settings under the battery tab. You can set the auto discharge rate there.
Hello Wayne. A bit off topic but I tried your "use the base of the joystick for smoother turns" comment and you are absolutely correct! Still a bit difficult to climb and turn but it works. Couldn't find the original thread so I hijacked this one. lol
I have seven batteries spread over two Evo 1 drones. I just checked in the app and saw that some batteries were 10 days, some 3, etc. So, I brought all batteries online in the app and set them all the same (2 days) I noticed that as long as I X's out of the battery screen and then turned off the drone, but kept the Explorer app and controller running, I could just swap batteries on the drone and reset their discharge times.

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