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DJI is suppose to announce something on March 28th

Just found this on the web.

Good morning, today is the big day as DJI will announce how the world of work is changing for creatives in the drone industry. The announcement will be made this morning in San Francisco and DJI confirmed to us that there will be no live feed available. However, as soon as the news breaks you will be able to find all the details here on DroneDJ. So stay tuned.

DroneRise – DJI’s anouncement, ShareRing, drone incident in New Zealand
It was just announced. It is a NEW Camera for Professional Drones! So, unless you have a BOAT Load of money, it's not for the Consumer Market.
Well, it wasn't the Master Wheel. This camera system, while expensive I predict it will sell well to the pro's as many have been looking for a thermal camera add on they don't have to rig themselves.

Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 5.03.01 PM✨.png
I have been hearing more rumors on the EVO & Mavic Pro II. The story goes that there is such a high demand for electronics boards/assembly that manufacturers can't get them made fast enough. This has pushed back not only the EVO but the Mavic as well. DJI's marketing team is very good at what they do so you can bet they will release at a very strategic point when the EVO releases so they can disrupt the Autel sales. On the plus side this leads me to believe that Autel will eventually release the EVO but as I have said before, if they don't bring their A game is will be strike 2 and that is hard to recover from.

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