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Camera focus and sharpness.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Now that I am familiar with flying the drone though, I'm finding that I am not that happy with the camera. I have seen footage recently from a Mavic Pro 2 and in my case the Mavic looks better.

I am going to try some adjustments to the camera to see if the look can be improved. Today I recorded and it was a beautiful sunny day. I shot in log mode H265 60fps manual exposure and shutter at 120. The footage looks soft. I reviewed all the collected footage for the camera and only a couple of the shoots look good compared with the Mavic footage. If my testing doesn't reveal some secret sauce to get a better look, I may have to replace the drone.

There just seems to be noise in the image and a lack of sharpness over all.

I'd like to know if anyone else is having issues with sharpness/focus. Maybe I am asking too much from this camera.
I'm serious. It's happened to a few people. One person just lately as a matter of fact. Can't over look the simple things!!
Oh, wow. I can see that, but I have removed it. I’m assuming it was delivered that way. I checked the ND filter I had on today and it could have been cleaner. I’m going to increase the sharpness setting and try again tomorrow.
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Posting an unedited photo will allow us to see the EXIF data and determine if it's a hardware or userware problem.
Here are two Jpegs settings at 16x9 all auto. One with a 16ND the other No ND


  • MAX_0012.JPG
    4.3 MB · Views: 81
  • MAX_0008.JPG
    4.5 MB · Views: 83
It's possible that I had greater expectation because of the many who raved about the camera on the Evo, but my video clips look soft to me with really nothing in focus.
I don't know if this will work, but here is a link to a clip that has four sections: H264/MP4 ND16, H265/MP4 ND16, H264/MP4 NO ND, H265/MP4 NO ND, 5 seconds each down-converted to HD 30 at 10Mbps.

In reviewing this from the dropbox it looks a lot worse playing in the browser. It looks much better from my desktop, so I recommend downloading to review. My issue is that it's very soft. No focus anywhere as far as I can tell.
I downloaded the video. In behind the trash containers the grass does look soft with little detail. Along the sides look OK to me. I think it was the second last one it even shows detail in the shadows.
Have you tried increasing the image sharpness in the camera settings?
Under “style” settings in the Explorer app, you can adjust contrast, saturation, and sharpness.
In reviewing this from the dropbox it looks a lot worse playing in the browser. It looks much better from my desktop, so I recommend downloading to review. My issue is that it's very soft. No focus anywhere as far as I can tell.

I looked at your first two stills. I have a 27" iMac running a Retina 5K display so its actually better than 4K tvs. Your first image looks like it came from one of those 4K demo clips running on the 4K TVs in the store. The second one just seemed to have something not quite right although it appeared in focus, just didn't have the 'pop' the first one had. I can't view the video clip as I'm on 320K DSL which is excruciating to download videos.
Have you tried increasing the image sharpness in the camera settings?
Under “style” settings in the Explorer app, you can adjust contrast, saturation, and sharpness.
Not yet. Next time. I thought full auto should provide a reliable representation of the camera.
I looked at your first two stills. I have a 27" iMac running a Retina 5K display so its actually better than 4K tvs. Your first image looks like it came from one of those 4K demo clips running on the 4K TVs in the store. The second one just seemed to have something not quite right although it appeared in focus, just didn't have the 'pop' the first one had. I can't view the video clip as I'm on 320K DSL which is excruciating to download videos.
The first one had ND16. The second was stock lens. That’s the only difference.
The first one had ND16. The second was stock lens. That’s the only difference.
Only difference is the fist one shows the shadows a little brighter. Both are sharp to me. The video is soft.
It's possible that I had greater expectation because of the many who raved about the camera on the Evo, but my video clips look soft to me with really nothing in focus.
I don't know if this will work, but here is a link to a clip that has four sections: H264/MP4 ND16, H265/MP4 ND16, H264/MP4 NO ND, H265/MP4 NO ND, 5 seconds each down-converted to HD 30 at 10Mbps.

If you are comparing to a Mavic Pro 2 with the 1 inch Hasselblad sensor, your footage may look a bit softer.I have a friend with the 1 inch sensor and his video is noticeably sharper than mine but that comes down to resolution. I must admit, I have an XSP but it is still a pretty good camera. You are comparing a 12MP camera to a 20MP camera. Unless you're talking about the zoom in which case I'll shut up.
I put in a support ticket with Autel. They are reviewing my footage based on settings they requested: camera reset, no filters, 4K 30fps. I’ll see what they say and then I’ll know what my next steps will be.
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It's possible that I had greater expectation because of the many who raved about the camera on the Evo, but my video clips look soft to me with really nothing in focus.
I don't know if this will work, but here is a link to a clip that has four sections: H264/MP4 ND16, H265/MP4 ND16, H264/MP4 NO ND, H265/MP4 NO ND, 5 seconds each down-converted to HD 30 at 10Mbps.

Your still images look about as good as you should expect with a 1/2.3" sensor. The ND filter helps with lighting.
After downloading the video and viewing it on a 4K monitor, I agree that the video looks soft. But it is only 1080p at 10 Mbps. Not a good example. You have shown us that the camera can produce good still images. Upload a 4K/30, 100 Mbps video to DropBox or YouTube so we can see how that looks.

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