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WARNING - EVO Hairline Cracks!!!!!


Active Member
Jul 25, 2017
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I was completing my normal pre-flight inspection of the aircraft and I noticed hairline cracks on both front legs above the pivot points. I flew yesterday and I didn't the cracks. Just reported the problem to Autel Support with pics.


  • LFront.JPG
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  • RFront.JPG
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Did you ever crash with this drone before? When the evo land...do it land hard or slowly on the ground because if its landing hard all the time this might cause stress on the shell? I just bought a evo and wandered if i should cancel my order after seeing these pics. Anyone else have this problem?
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Yeah, wow. I can definitely see them. Is that just a cosmetic fairing covering the hub, or part of the attachment point for the arm? I just ordered mine today... staying tuned...
If you report the problem to Autel they want you to send it in to be repaired. If you refuse to send it in they said your warranty is void due to flying with damage. There are more posts popping up on Autels facebook page with one member there claiming his cracked back in Aug and had to be repaired so this problem has been around for a while and now that the colder weather is here I think you will start to see more of these. Plastic don't like cold and stress at the same time.
I have the same problém, but it's ok it's not dangerous, just a plastic cover crack !!
View attachment 3007View attachment 3008

Awesome! Thanks. I ain't worried about that. Do you think that is from the spar contacting it during forward flight, on ascent or from rotational force generated at the spar hub on lift-off? I'm wondering if it's flex or movement... I can see a design tweak fixing it... But I'm impressed with that close up detail. Still stoked to get mine.
Awesome! Thanks. I ain't worried about that. Do you think that is from the spar contacting it during forward flight, on ascent or from rotational force generated at the spar hub on lift-off? I'm wondering if it's flex or movement... I can see a design tweak fixing it... But I'm impressed with that close up detail. Still stoked to get mine.
I noticed before the latest firmware it was a really snappy drone now the braking and everything seem not to be so sudden anymore,that should stop them from happening,just my opinion though
Just bought 2 weeks ago my EVO. My prevention suggestion: unless absolutely necessary never fold in the prop arms. I leave it open in my truck ready to fly. I believe excessive open and closing prop arms is the cause. Just My humble opinion. What say U ?
I was completing my normal pre-flight inspection of the aircraft and I noticed hairline cracks on both front legs above the pivot points. I flew yesterday and I didn't the cracks. Just reported the problem to Autel Support with pics.
I have never seen this on my drone. I know the mavic and phantom from DJI will develop these sometimes though, so maybe Autel has the same problem.
If you put your fingers on the arm supports of the EVO.
You will notice a slight swelling.
And a slightly different color at this place, I noticed that on a lot of photos ..
Awesome! Thanks. I ain't worried about that. Do you think that is from the spar contacting it during forward flight, on ascent or from rotational force generated at the spar hub on lift-off? I'm wondering if it's flex or movement... I can see a design tweak fixing it... But I'm impressed with that close up detail. Still stoked to get mine.
I think it is a flaw in the design and manufacture of the plastic hood.
A friend also has a brand new EVO and there is this defect but no crack
if you put your fingers on the arm supports of the EVO, you will notice a slight swelling.
And a slightly different color at this place, I noticed that on a lot of photos ..
I noticed before the latest firmware it was a really snappy drone now the braking and everything seem not to be so sudden anymore,that should stop them from happening,just my opinion though

I can't wait to get mine. A cracked cover is no deal breaker... BUT I did have a moment of doubt wondering how thick that cover was, and what it was attached to. I watched some of Franlacs youtube videos, and he flies so close to objects so confidently and smoothly that it actually made me more confident in the quality of the Evo. If a picture is worth a thousand words, that 4k video going down a wooded path is a testament... I'm still not going within a thousand feet of anything taller than grass for the first 30 days though.
I think it is a flaw in the design and manufacture of the plastic hood.
A friend also has a brand new EVO and there is this defect but no crack
if you put your fingers on the arm supports of the EVO, you will notice a slight swelling.
And a slightly different color at this place, I noticed that on a lot of photos ..

I watched your videos. AWESOME stuff! After watching you pilot around those trees, I figured no one would take their drone that close to objects without confidence in it. I fully expect to break a few props and ding that cover.
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If you're nervous, these $15 propellor guards might save you the odd accident or flipover damage. Not sure if they would gently bounce you off a building though - and I doubt they would save your bacon in the forest.
Merci ... Thanks
I watched your videos. AWESOME stuff! After watching you pilot around those trees, I figured no one would take their drone that close to objects without confidence in it. I fully expect to break a few props and ding that cover.
I have been flying for 5 years and I am always very careful, I also had 2 X-Star just an accident ....
I dropped her hands!
I do not fly, if I do not feel good, and if there are people around me ..
it's nice to love my job.
Did you ever crash with this drone before? When the evo land...do it land hard or slowly on the ground because if its landing hard all the time this might cause stress on the shell? I just bought a evo and wandered if i should cancel my order after seeing these pics. Anyone else have this problem?
sounds like he's not telling the whole story..he must of had some hard landings..

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