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Uploaded one of my flights to doarama.com 3D

I have not used Doarama for a long time. Wanted to change my avatar to something Autel related but for some reason it is stuck on my Q500 :)
There is a way to sync your youtube move to the flight path but it is real hard to sync up.
I'm new to drones. how did you get your information so you could upload it to the website? is it in the app or something else you have downloaded?
This will get you started.

Here are instructions on how to retrieve the aircraft log file (.BIN), that you can then import on DroneLogbook:

You will need to get BIN log files directly from the aircraft, but use the app to enable that.
You have to power on your xstar, connect the app, tap ‘start’, go into settings -> flight control settings -> advanced settings -> find ‘flight Data Recorder’ and tap the red ‘Read’ button.

Then you will be able to use a usb cable to connect the xstar to your computer and browse the logs.
Import the BIN log file in DroneLogbook importer page by selecting “Autel .BIN” as file type.
You should not have to enable anything. These are your flight records, like the black box on a airplane. You never want to delete them as Autel uses them for warranty.
I didn’t know if enabling through the app started the drone collecting these files or if it collected them at all times. Thanks for the help and replies
No problem. Autel makes it difficult to access the telemetry files that hold all the GPS, speed and a lot of other things we can use to keep track of our units. Even when you download the log files to your computer which can take some time depending on how many flights you have on it it is hard to find that one flight you want :) I'm getting better at it but sometimes its a real pain.
Yuneec has a SD card in the tx controller and getting the telemetry is easy. A few people have made programs that read them and allow conversion to be used on other programs like Dashware or RaceRender that combines video with data gauges. We have a member here who is trying to get something going to do just that.
Hopefully down the road :)

Here is one I made up a couple of years ago with my Yuneec Q500. :)

One of my flights testing out the new firmware uploaded to Doarama.

B185AB47-309B-38A1-DD7A-9FB5D9C23F4D - Doarama
Agustine, When you first put this on here, I looked at yours, then I looked at the next one thinking it was another drone flight, and couldn't get over how far that dude was flying his drone.:eek: Then I finally noticed the picture of the little running man in the top left corner.o_O
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