Go to one of the links I sent. They will take you to the declaración of compliance page. Just type in “EVO” in the box in the upper right and click the drop down in the box on the upper left and select RID.
The results will be for all EVOs. Select your aircraft. On the next page the aircraft serial number range will be visible.
The approved EVO II aircraft serial numbers runs from 1748CHL… to 1748CHN…
This batch was submitted in Oct 2022, as you can see on the page.
Autel said they’ve submitted more aircraft serial numbers for approval. It’s just a matter of government workers making the approval.
OOP is for Operation Over People.
The results will be for all EVOs. Select your aircraft. On the next page the aircraft serial number range will be visible.
The approved EVO II aircraft serial numbers runs from 1748CHL… to 1748CHN…
This batch was submitted in Oct 2022, as you can see on the page.
Autel said they’ve submitted more aircraft serial numbers for approval. It’s just a matter of government workers making the approval.
OOP is for Operation Over People.