Today on a job I had something happen that has never happened before. First battery in, everything checks out, so I do my normal routing. Hover about 30 seconds at shoulder height, and wait to see if anything is wrong. No issues, so I head to 400ft AGL to get the initial shot which is a birds eye view. No sooner than I get the camera pointed down, does an alarm go off and my batter shows 0%. Was 100% and at less than 2 minutes of flight time. I immediately began dropping the drone and heading back to my take off position. I made it down to 2 feet and was about 10 feet away from it's landing spot when it just quit responding and gently lowered itself down and landed.
Finished the job with other batteries no issue. Got home. Charged bad battery, took it out back and hovered it at 40 feet for 5 minutes, no issue. Then up to 400 feet, no issues for 5 minutes. Landed it no issues.
Has anyone ever had that happen to them? If so is there a cause? I know some jamming can cause battery levels to drop, but I never lost control.
Finished the job with other batteries no issue. Got home. Charged bad battery, took it out back and hovered it at 40 feet for 5 minutes, no issue. Then up to 400 feet, no issues for 5 minutes. Landed it no issues.
Has anyone ever had that happen to them? If so is there a cause? I know some jamming can cause battery levels to drop, but I never lost control.