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Unknown Battery scam


Sep 21, 2020
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I have an EVO 2 Pro that works perfect. Never an issue. One evening at sunset I put a battery in the drone and didn't notice a small clover flower was caught in the way when I inserted the battery. Fired up and got the dreaded "Unknown Battery" warning on screen. Landed quickly and found the problem. It was just a little tiny corner of the flower that was smooshed into one of pins in the battery... Tall grass at the field, no biggie normally. Cleaned it out, fired it up and all seemed well, until about a minute later. Same error returned.

I've since never been able to run this battery without the warning. I have hit cancel on the error and landing message, at which point the drone flys normally and shows normal cell voltage.

This seems to trigger a flag in the battery firmware that can't be reset, EVER.

What an utter scam. I understand the need for fail-safes and these types of protections, but when you KNOW what caused it, have resolved it and you still can't use the item or set things straight again, that's a total SCAM to sell more stuff.
Your right probably flags it in a database on your phone, try uninstalling the explorer app and removing any remanence of it. Have you tried to use the battery without the phone and app and see if it does the same thing?

If your using a smart controller, then I would try to see if you can some how clear out that database on the smart controller, I would also try to contact support and see if they could help.\

I do not think any part of the firmware can be modified while in normal use that is on the hardware.
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