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Second flight on X-Star Premium

For me watching the video I did not see any jerky sections. Look pretty nice actually. Do you remember the camera settings you where using?
For me watching the video I did not see any jerky sections. Look pretty nice actually. Do you remember the camera settings you where using?

Under "jerky" I mean strobe effect when moving in video not smooth. Check snow hill on left side at the beginning and you'll see that no smoothness in movement. It can be corrected by post-processing but I am new in video editing and have not found this feature in Premiere yet. But this effect exist, I know )

Camera settings:
ISO: 100
Video format: MP4
Shutter: auto
3840x2160 @ 24fps
Style: Standart
Color: None
Under "jerky" I mean strobe effect when moving in video not smooth.

Try bumping your frame rate up to at least 30 and see if that does it for ya. Unless you have a specific need for 24fps you'll get much smoother motion at higher rates. 60 is nice because you can reduce the playback rate to 30 and get some nice slomo...
I'll try your method but I need cinematic feel of footage. For this I wait set of ND filters to lower shutter speed. In my video shutter speed from 800 to 1300, as I remember. If I tune shutter speed with ND filters to frame rate 50, video will be smooth.
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I do find 30p to be cinematic enough for my video productions, taking away nearly all of the motion stutter and not worrying about shutter speed at all. 30p and 24p don't mix well though so if you need to use your aerials with anything already shot in 24p (or think you might need to in the future) stick with it and try the filters. And let me/us know if that helps out :) good luck!

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