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Remote Pilot 101 Commercial Study Prep Course


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2016
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Well as we know there are several acclaimed and great study prep courses for people to take their FAA Part 107 test to become commercial rated. I purchased the RemotePilot101 course taught by Jason Schappert in Ocala, Fl.

The course is well laid out and once you buy it, you have lifetime access to it and all updates that are made as time goes on. Jason has prepared a well thought out course and has a quiz at the end of each module. There is also two Boot Camp modules with more questions to refresh in Module 10 as to all you have done so far.

In the end there is a 60 question test like the FAA's Part 107 as a final exam you take to see if you are ready to take the real test. I made a 93.3 on the test and two of the four questions I missed I knew the answers but read into them a bit and ended up second guessing myself. Never ever second guess yourself.

All in all I feel prepared to take the FAA Part 107 test now. I will report back as to the outcome when I have completed that leg. But if you are thinking of becoming commercial certified please take a look at RP101 before you make a decision with who you go with.
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I am getting close to finishing my studies using the Gold Seal Ground School course.
Good luck on the test! What sort of commercial work are you hoping to do with your remote pilot license & X-Star?
Hi, Brian. I do not have any definite plans, but initially even before getting my certification, I may try to do some videos that hopefully will be somewhat interesting, adding some music with my wife's keyboard. That could include some guinea pig friends and family of mine, using their homes as models for real estate videos. Who knows for sure as it is a new and burgeoning industry. Maybe finding some free lance work in different industries...agriculture, construction, energy, land management... I will probably list those videos on my business card at first and hand them out in realtor offices.
Good luck on the test! What sort of commercial work are you hoping to do with your remote pilot license & X-Star?

I plan to do real estate video/photo shooting and hopefully the yaw issue will be rectified soon. I also plan to cater to farming/agriculture; state and local government seeing I have connections with DOT; also commercial real estate.

It will be a process of gradual growth once I get rated then organize and start the business.
I plan to do real estate video/photo shooting and hopefully the yaw issue will be rectified soon. I also plan to cater to farming/agriculture; state and local government seeing I have connections with DOT; also commercial real estate.

It will be a process of gradual growth once I get rated then organize and start the business.
Sounds like a plan...we all have different skills and individual things to bring to the table. It is great to be able to participate in what looks like the beginning of the golden age of drones anyway.
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Obviously will not make a living off this business venture. It is mainly a love of flying and applying those things to a field that is still in it's infancy to get in on the ground floor and running. I have a full time job with 7 years until I can retire with my agency and a full pension. This will be a segway to my retirement and by then should have enough contacts and clients to make some decent money in retirement to dabble with I hope.
Would you say captbill the RP101 if you know it well the test is fairly reflective of the course material?
The sample test questions at RP101 are similar to what you will see on the real test and some are the same. I found MANY questions I never saw before and many of what I saw in RP101 completely re-worded. So do know the material. I found the actual test to be "difficult" but knowing the material is key.
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