My Evo 1 has performed flawlessly so far, but I am so p-o-ed at Autel for discontinuing support already! It is absolutely ridiculous that you cannot continue to get batteries and spare props (either from Autel or from any third-party suppliers I am aware of) for a drone as relatively recent and capable as the Evo 1. Looking around, there is no problem getting supplies and equipment for DJI drones many years older than the Evo 1. Plus, there is a lot of third-party aftermarket equipment as well for DJI systems. And, for those who say I shouldn't complain because it's a few years old, I contend that, from a purely business sense, why the heck would I buy a new Autel Evo 2 when they will probably kill support for it in a few months or so whenever they come out with the Evo 3? People who buy $10,000 drones don't buy Evo's and most people who buy Evo's I'd wager do not want to shell out >$1000 to get a system you won't even be able to buy batteries for in a couple years!
It's not like I expected it to be supported for decades or anything, but I think being able to at least buy batteries and replacement props for more than three years is reasonable.
Needed to vent. Bye Bye Autel
p.s. I know DJI has the whole geofencing thing people go on about, but Autel has land-fencing. As in: you can't even take off without batteries and propellers!
p.p.s. Owning an Autel makes me feel like I'm on the Island of Misfit Toys! Which sucks, because I really like my Evo 1!!
It's not like I expected it to be supported for decades or anything, but I think being able to at least buy batteries and replacement props for more than three years is reasonable.
Needed to vent. Bye Bye Autel
p.s. I know DJI has the whole geofencing thing people go on about, but Autel has land-fencing. As in: you can't even take off without batteries and propellers!

p.p.s. Owning an Autel makes me feel like I'm on the Island of Misfit Toys! Which sucks, because I really like my Evo 1!!