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evo 1

  1. N

    EVO 1 gimbal/camera replacement

    Does anyone know where I can get a replacement gimbal and camera for an evo 1?
  2. M

    For Sale Two Evo 1's Perfect, plus a load of rare support equipment

    You won't find this deal anywhere. I am getting out of the business, and have two complete Evo 1 drones that I bought new and have maintained with very few flying hours. everything works perfectly. Besides nine batteries, spare props, gang chargers, 12V car chargers, etc. (see pictures) I am...
  3. A

    Evo 1 parts wanted

    Hi everyone. I’m after replacement parts for an evo 1 drone. Particularly the camera, however as it’s a school drone, I will need lots of parts lol. Thanks
  4. E

    Evo 1 Random Connectivity to Controller

    My Evo 1 continues to work flawlessly except for one specific issue that recently began, as follows: Cold start and controller connects to drone and no issue (takes flight). Use 3 batteries consecutively without turning off controller (about 75 min flight time). Turn off controller and install...
  5. R

    EVO 1 with hardcase, Hawk XR Long range antenna, extra remote and 3 recent batteries. Price Reduced to $700

    Price Reduced to $800 :) I have an EVO 1 for sale. The kit includes a lot of extras. Below is what is included: EVO 1 EVO 1 controller modified to accepts screw on antenna connections EVO 1 controller modified to accept teh 4Hawks XR long range antenna system (Only one remote can be bound to...
  6. B

    Replacement antenna for Evo 1 controller

    My Evo 1 smart controller antenna finally broke. The hinge completely broke in two and the pin is lost. What is the recommended replacement antenna? I tried searching through the threads but didn’t find a clear answer. Thanks for your help.
  7. T

    Not going to buy any more Autels

    My Evo 1 has performed flawlessly so far, but I am so p-o-ed at Autel for discontinuing support already! It is absolutely ridiculous that you cannot continue to get batteries and spare props (either from Autel or from any third-party suppliers I am aware of) for a drone as relatively recent and...
  8. Rocco Germani

    Summer is Coming 2 - Short film

    Hey everyone, hope you're doing well! I'm excited to announce that I finished my latest short film and it has been released on youtube for those who wish to watch it! All but one of the drone shots were shot on my Autel Evo 1! Hope you all enjoy! Link:
  9. E

    Autel EVO 1 Original Rugged Case Parts for Sale Toronto

    I lost my new drone shortly after purchase and have the following for sale. 1) GPC Rugged Bundle Go Pro Case for sale 2) 2 Batteries 3) Quad battery charger 4) Remote 5) Car Charger (still in package and never used) 6) Freewill ND filters (never used) 7) Charger and other cables 8) Decals All...
  10. A

    SOLD: EVO 1 Rugged Bundle + Tons of Extras

    Excellent condition, updated firmware, fly's great! $699 OBO Custom Hard Case Drone, Controller, 3 Batteries Total, AC Charger, 1 set of extra Props Autel Multi charger ND Filters Car Charger Autel Lighting System
  11. E

    Florida Sunrise Above the Fog Layer and Landing

    This is my first time posting a video on this forum. On October 26th I sent my Evo I up in the dark to capture the pending sunrise. The controller kept notifying me that there was an object 2 feet ahead - I couldn't see anything as it was dark but I assumed it was fog. I broke through the fog...
  12. B

    As New ND Filter Set + ND1000 for Evo 1

    Hi everyone I recently sold my Evo and still have avirtually brand new set of ND filters. I had also bought an extra ND1000 ($49 for this one filter) that I planned on using for long exposure photos but never even used it once. I am a professional aerial cinematographer at Romero Pictures...
  13. Antonello

    Altra centrale elettrica Sardegna

    Yesterday Sunday 23 August I thought I was flying but the wind was strong and then in some countries there were fires so I just took a few shots in an isolated landscape