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New user with Autel Nano+

Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
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Reactions: PakNheat380
Enjoy your Nano+. I have two of them and have been mostly happy with them. They do hop around in the wind.
HI, My name is Nuno, and in from Portugal.

I've just bought this drone, I've only done a few test flights, but I'm very happy with it. I hope to learn more on this forum
Hi Nuno, do night shots, it’s THE BEST in prosumer category IMHO
Welcome from Charlotte, NC. I'm still stunned everytime I watch video from the Nano+, and straight out of the camera! No post production or color grading necessary as I do with my EVO 2 Pro when shooting in a Log profile!

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