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New Member, Houston Texas.


New Member
Oct 12, 2020
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Hello All.

Just thought I'd introduce myself. Living in Houston, but love to travel and do it every chance I get. I look forward to taking my Evo 2 Pro everywhere.
I was introduced to drone flying earlier this year and I'm hooked. Destroyed two Mavic Air 2s. Pretty much means I'm ready for a more expensive unit, right? In all seriousness, the 6K camera got my attention and it has preformed quite nicely so far. Look forward to dipping my toes in this pool of knowledge from time to time.
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Hello All.

Just thought I'd introduce myself. Living in Houston, but love to travel and do it every chance I get. I look forward to taking my Evo 2 Pro everywhere.
I was introduced to drone flying earlier this year and I'm hooked. Destroyed two Mavic Air 2s. Pretty much means I'm ready for a more expensive unit, right? In all seriousness, the 6K camera got my attention and it has preformed quite nicely so far. Look forward to dipping my toes in this pool of knowledge from time to time.

Welcome to the forum, @Kalamidad. Fly safe with your EV2PRO! :cool: See you around...
Welcome from Ontario Canada

Welcome to the Forum. I think you will enjoy your membership. There are many other members happy to provide assistance for any issues you may have, and those that may need information you bring. A lot of good information is already stored in existing threads.

Couple easy things:
1.) The search Icon is your friend. It's the magnifying glass near the upper right of the screen when you scroll all the way up. It can find many answers you will never find by yourself.
2.) Be aware that you won't always get a quick response. There are times when many other members are on line, and sometimes only a few. A response may not show up until the right person sees it.
3.) Be aware the forum is Global. If you are exchanging with a member on the other side of the world, response can get delayed and out of sequence due to a difference in local time.
4.) Although the Forum is global, the language is English. It is customary to translate other languages to English. Many members also include the original language post to help alleviate translation errors.
5.) Review the forum rules (on the bottom right). There are not too many, but it is important they are followed to keep the Forum a useful and happy place for everyone.


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