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lost my drone due to RF interference

Your right! I put out on next door a reward for its recovery even to contact me, if there is any damages caused by its final destination. Which wasn't heading in the direction of my last flight. I will put a tracker on my next one!
Insurance will definately give more peace of mind!
I wish you the best of luck! I hope someone responds and returns it. You never know, there are plenty of good, honest people left in the world. Someone may have found it and has no idea how to attempt to return it to its rightful owner.

Do you have the flight log? Upload it to Airdata and find the Home Point. Then draw a line from its last position on the flight log. Maybe that will give you a path were it went. You could attempt to see the remaining battery and come up with the speed the drone is at during Return to Home. This might narrow a search area down.

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I wish you the best of luck! I hope someone responds and returns it. You never know, there are plenty of good, honest people left in the world. Someone may have found it and has no idea how to attempt to return it to its rightful owner.

Do you have the flight log? Upload it to Airdata and find the Home Point. Then draw a line from its last position on the flight log. Maybe that will give you a path were it went. You could attempt to see the remaining battery and come up with the speed the drone is at during Return to Home. This might narrow a search area down.

View attachment 16829
Crazy thing is I getting seeing crazy mph numbers 64mph.
I even tried switching speed to slow. It wasn't responding.
I flew another Copter on the flight path to last spot with video and data. No success.
I regret the loss of the drone, But every day the quality of the product Autel worse, the paint on the drone is getting worse and worse, the plastic has also become thinner, the functions are not added, what they claim about the characteristics is not true, for the sake of protected interference, not a damn thing works, Therefore, if you buy a Drone from Max4t you are taking big risks.
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I regret the loss of the drone, But every day the quality of the product Autel worse, the paint on the drone is getting worse and worse, the plastic has also become thinner, the functions are not added, what they claim about the characteristics is not true, for the sake of protected interference, not a damn thing works, Therefore, if you buy a Drone from Max4t you are taking big risks.
Sad to have experienced this 1st hand with The Autel Max 4T.
My craft malfunctioned and fkew away never to be seen as of this response. I hope to save others from my loss and experience to this point 12-16-23.
I had...and to a slight degree still am optimistic of a fair investigation as to why and how my Copter malfunctioned!!! I've been piloting Quad Copter since 2015.
I always go thru a pre flight check routine.
Yesterday, finally after a month and 4 days of corresponding with autel support with 5 different people.

They said nothing was wrong with my craft!!! I may share the message....after I review my own thoughts on what to write in my response to their unfair offer.. my goal to inspire them to honor a win win outcome!
Right now is a loss loss...I am not willing to give up on a fair resolution of correcting the issue that caused my craft to malfunction and not Respond to any of my inputs....RTH especially.
I got a message on my RC gnss spoofing, that was advertised to be protected from...spoofing...1st time ever getting a message in flight...this was the 3rd and final malfunctioned of my craft.
The 1st was it lost connection in August 2023. Fortunately I was able to fly it visually back and it would not land....just hovered at 40 feet above ground and 39 feet away from where I was piloting from. Then suddenly dropped luckily straight into a young soft branched juniper tree very Minor Damage! I was very fortunate.
I immediately called Autel and was given a case number and emailed instructions to return. That cost me $120.00 to send. They repaired ( I thought supposedly) only the strobe light, I later found out after the 2nd malfunctioned flight on November 2. My craft was very unstable and with erratic flight issues. I was able to fortunately grab it and save it from Crashing.!!!
I again called in and after repeated attempts was finally able to speak with someone who asked about firmware updates. I informed them they were the most current. This is when I asked about what repair was done in August...I was thoroughly dissapointed to find out that all they repaired was a strobe light. My confidence dropped considerably with that news big time! I was told to do Imu calibration, which I did.
I pre ordered a live deck and 2 extra batteries. From day one I not happy that my camera was only 12 Mp. Not as advertised!
Obstacle avoidance didn't work!
I called in was told updates would make them available,just be patient! To me that's fake advertising...
Especially find out later that live deck would not work with max 4t.
I am a patient and cooperative person as long as truth is being told.
For all of us who are passionate about piloting, lets hope Autel appreciate us as customers and addresses these issues!
we may need to collaborate to get our legitimate issues resolved.
as of now im out a 128 gb card
A Max 4T and precious time.

P.s. I may share the email of the resolution they offered after saying they found nothing wrong with my craft after reviewing all my sent in data. Thr Screen recording on Rc and the
Flight cache video all flight data and logs.

I would at this point advise any prospective investor to do their due diligence and be prepared for a challenging experience.
Best of Luck Pilots.
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Unfortunately, Altel will not evaluate us as customers and modernize something and improve product quality leaves much to be desired.
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From the sidewalk in a very regular orbanic place.

I recommend never taking off from cement period. If you have absolutely no other choice then at least use a rugged case and take off from that. I do both....avoid taking off from cement and use the top of my case as my takeoff point.

IMO rebar in cement and other magnetic interferences is the number one cause for drone flyaways.

I have probably flown over 1000mi now in my 10+ yrs of flying various drones and I have flown all over the world and never once had a flyaway with or without GPS. But if you have a compass malfunction mid flight due to magnetic interference from something in the ground or nearby when taking off the drone is almost certainly a total loss.
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I recommend never taking off from cement period. If you have absolutely no other choice then at least use a rugged case and take off from that. I do both....avoid taking off from cement and use the top of my case as my takeoff point.

IMO rebar in cement and other magnetic interferences is the number one cause for drone flyaways.

I have probably flown over 1000mi now in my 10+ yrs of flying various drones and I have flown all over the world and never once had a flyaway with or without GPS. But if you have a compass malfunction mid flight due to magnetic interference from something in the ground or nearby when taking off the drone is almost certainly a total loss.
I can confirm that I have received several "GNSS Spoofing" announcements via my Smart Controller prior to liftoff from cement. I couldn't quite figure out why I kept getting them. However, I have never had a flyaway. But not lifting off of cement does sound like a great idea and, given how much the Evo Max costs, every priority for its safety should be given.
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Yesterday I have lost the evo max 4t .
This happened during the flight due to radio interference in the area I was flying.
In addition, there were GPS jams and the drone "located itself" in a wrong location .
The situation now is that I don't know where the drone is!!!

My question is:
From the moment the drone loses contact with the remote, does it land on place or does it try to fly home?
What happens if "home" is 4091 km away from his location, does he fly until his battery runs out?

thanks in advace

Sorry to learn you had a similar issue as I did on November 11th. My max $ T flew away with a GPS signal and a message saying gnss spoofing. It has a Long drawn-out email chain with unsettling responses so far from Autel. They said they found nothing wrong with my max after reviewing the data I sent in. I'm still trying to get it resolved. I'm in the process of creating a landing page website to inform and warn others of the potentiality of experiencing our losses the same way. The Max 4 t potential has huge risks to us early investors!!
www.Max4T.com. The future site will be the truth exposed good bad or indifferent. A hub for all things related to the Max 4 T.
Perhaps I'm one of the very lucky few. I almost always keep my frequency at 900 Mhz and have had no (recent) problems.
Sorry to learn you had a similar issue as I did on November 11th. My max $ T flew away with a GPS signal and a message saying gnss spoofing. It has a Long drawn-out email chain with unsettling responses so far from Autel. They said they found nothing wrong with my max after reviewing the data I sent in. I'm still trying to get it resolved. I'm in the process of creating a landing page website to inform and warn others of the potentiality of experiencing our losses the same way. The Max 4 t potential has huge risks to us early investors!!
www.Max4T.com. The future site will be the truth exposed good bad or indifferent. A hub for all things related to the Max 4 T.
I am curious to hear what Autel told you. We all need to support each other and defend ourselves from being ripped off and lied to. they need to take responsibility and deliver a complete advertised fully functioning product before they use us as test pilots at our own cost.

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