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Jittery video


Jul 10, 2020
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So took the bird out for maiden flight. Shot 4K, no wind, stock memory card which in my case is the one below. download.gif My video is ever so slighty jittery when aircraft is moving. Most pronounced when yawing or vertical flight, horizontal not as much and of course shows up more when closer to ground or trees I am shooting. Put it in Premiere Pro on a very fast computer so know its not me. Ideas please? Only thing I can think of is card is too slow?
Do all players produce the same results. What resolution and bit rate are your file?
Maybe your shutter speed...that is why ND filters are used, to get the shutter to 2x the frame rate. 30FPS should use filter to achieve 1/60 sec.
Do all players produce the same results. What resolution and bit rate are your file?
Playing it in Windows default but just tried VLC Media player with same results. Shooting 4K at 24fps.
Maybe your shutter speed...that is why ND filters are used, to get the shutter to 2x the frame rate. 30FPS should use filter to achieve 1/60 sec.
Yes don't have the ND filters yet. But shooting on a cloudy day, in auto. I will try shooting in manual to set the shutter speed - good call! Back out to test.
Yes don't have the ND filters yet. But shooting on a cloudy day, in auto. I will try shooting in manual to set the shutter speed - good call! Back out to test.
So jitters are cured! Shot 4K/60 at 1/160 auto ISO. BUT new problem. The auto exposure was jumping around noticeably depending on the scene, going a stop open or stop closed in an obvious way. Of course can shoot manual to cure this I guess, is that best practice shooting video anyway? Or just stick with manual ISO? Thanks for the advice!
I suggest to check monitor refresh rate. I experienced similar issue, my monitor's rate is 60Hz but I leave in PAL part of the world so almost all my videos are 25 or 50fps. It was never an issue, but when I started with Evo 2 footage H.265, the videos with quick movement got hardly viewable. I changed video to 30fps and it helped. I don't know why it is so sensitive, maybe combination of H.265 codec with display driver gives so bad results.

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