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Finally updated firmware and ...


Active Member
Mar 11, 2017
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Petersburg, TN
problems still persist.

While sitting at my desk immediately after the update the thing just out of the blue said "lost video link" it did come back.

So, took it outside everything seemed normal. Flew straight up about 150 feet. took a few pics of an approaching storm and then LOST CONNECTION WITH AIRCRAFT. But I still had complete control except the video was frozen and in black and white. made a few maneuvers to verify I actually did have control and then issued a "LAND" command from the RC. It came straight down very quickly until it got to about 10 feet and then slowed until touchdown. NO bunny hops.

A point worth mentioning. I have had this aircraft about 8 months and never had these problems until about 2 months ago.. so it must be a connection that is worn out or intermittent. I have pulled the gimbal and cleaned the contacts then reattached but don't see how the camera could effect the the whole aircraft but cleaned it anyway.

Also turned off my phone so the wifi couldn't interfere...OOOOPS. forgot about the house wifi. Will have to retest tomorrow out in the country. if that test generates similar problems then I will anxiously await the final FW update before contacting C.S..

I know others have the same problems but it seems odd it was not there when new.

What do you mean " turned off my phone so the wifi couldn't interfere..."??? I thought this used a corded connection and NOT wi-fi???
You're right! I'm just grabbing at straws here trying to eliminate anything that may be any kind of electrical interference caused by the immediate surroundings. I even drove to the middle of a 500 acre farm with no cell signal and no power lines. I even lost video with everything sitting on my desk! I had everything turned on, connected and "safe to fly"...walked out of the room for a few seconds and when I came back...NO video. I logged it last night with CS
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Yes, I've read some reviews about losing video when the rc and the ac are very close together. My personal opinion is that one (the ac?) is overdriving the other ( rc?) because people don't have the same issue when actually flying.

I can tell you my DJ P3S could/would/does lose signal pretty regularly. Which is one [big] reason I went with Autel this round.
You're right! I'm just grabbing at straws here trying to eliminate anything that may be any kind of electrical interference caused by the immediate surroundings. I even drove to the middle of a 500 acre farm with no cell signal and no power lines. I even lost video with everything sitting on my desk! I had everything turned on, connected and "safe to fly"...walked out of the room for a few seconds and when I came back...NO video. I logged it last night with CS
I had a similar problem with lost signal and lines in video, lines in video was caused by settings for camera were messed up reset and cured that then removed and reattached the camera/gimble and that took care of lost connection at least for now...good luck
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