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Can you plot a route, save it and re-use ?

Although I'm generally happy with my EVO the mission planner has been a big disappointment. No spline corners (smooth), no circle, no gradual altitude change, no camera trigger, no region of interest (camera direction) etc. Even new the mapping grid is crippled because you can only do rectangles and camera control is poor. Please, please Autel if you are reading this, make mission planner useful or get together with 3rd party aps. I fear that the EVO is at the end of its development cycle and no more effort will be put in.

There are people working on it like @gustofusion

He has been working on the SDK and has had some success with way points.

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I admit to never have tried the original waypoint system. They added it on the mission planner. From what I saw, it is a more advanced version of the original, that alllows you to pre plan and save.
View attachment 4875View attachment 4876

The original Waypoint system, you have to be on site to apply them.
View attachment 4877

Edit: Tinkering with it some more, I see they basically do the same thing. I don't know what is the point of adding it on mission planner.
Is this a beta version? I only have "rectangular" under "mission" and "waypoint" is still under the intelligent flight tab. I see your edit... too bad that waypoint isn't improved. I hope the folks using the SDK are able to implement a better planner as Agustine mentioned above.
Is this a beta version? I only have "rectangular" under "mission" and "waypoint" is still under the intelligent flight tab. I see your edit... too bad that waypoint isn't improved. I hope the folks using the SDK are able to implement a better planner as Agustine mentioned above.
Yes. The new iOS beta.
Where did the OP say he needed a negative Altitude? I must have missed that. If he does why don't you guys try some testing like our members did in the Parrot forums to get a negative Alt with the Anafi. This probably will only work with Android systems.
Your Waypoints are written to a file that can be opened with a text editor. The Alt. is written in meters. Try using a negative number at a location below your launch site. It works perfectly with the Anafi waypoint mission planner and just might work for the EVO.

View attachment 4873

In this example the Alt. is written as "Altitude":6o.0 for the Autel Evo.


I have used this method to stack multiple waypoints on top of each other to take photos in the same spot put at different Alt. with my Anafi.

Since you were recommending the EVO feature of Waypoints, which has real life limitations which don't comport to variations in terrain, those limitations need to be addressed, even if the OP didn't specifically mention his own terrain requirements. These EVO Waypoint limitations certainly affect me! While you are recommending a different drone made by another manufacturer, might as well include all the Mavics which Litchi fully supports, which have always allowed setting negative waypoints, so you can fly your mission from a hilltop with full VLOS over the terrain below it. Litchi has been the defacto standard for Waypoint Missions for years. Certainly deserves mention.
@danmleephoto I hope Autel guys are paying attention to your question.....are you needing a generic flight path? the issue is. waypoint mission points are set to GPS LOCATIONS. so there is a problem using waypoints as a generic flight path. a few years ago we shot an add for a bottling company. the shoot involved a mechanized dolly and jib so set the parameters and off you go the dolly and jib followed the exact path. changed location set up the dolly and the exact path and jib path are filmed and then overlay the footage in the edit. it would be fantastic to save a flight path = height distance speed in an X Y Z coordinate plane system. so assuming x plane = zero And moves along the Y path it would be plus for height. Z PLane is distance and Y is centered moves along with the X Z plane so coordinates would be plus and minus coordinates for the Verticle. folks would be blown away by what shots you can get and how these can be used in productions. it would be on another level. if only Autel would actually think and consider your question and its application for filmmakers. imagine a car driving straight rd. Evo is following a X Y Z flight path locked to the car and as it moves the background changes from seasons to places but the car angle is the same to the drone, EVEN THOUGHT THE angles change during the shot. no green screening is required...in production do a difference mask for the car. as simple as that. the car pixels would mask the car because it is the only constant between shots. IF ONLY. the word imagine is found in the word image. how good an image can be is up to your imagination
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I thought their mission tool in the explorer allow to do customize missions to your needs. I never use the explorer app... I fly only with the remote controller.
I think older versions of APP can do the mission by taking EVO to each location and saving that point. Repeat for next waypoint. There are restrictions. I'm using explorer version which can be found here
Compatibility with firmware versions might be an issue. You create a file like this:
I prettied it up some, but EVO doesn't seem to mind. It was all in one line. Here's what I pieced together as definitions:
⦁ No comma after last item in list, eg, the list of waypoints
⦁ ObstacleAvoidanceMode 0 means
⦁ ObstacleAvoidanceMode 1 means
⦁ FinishAction 1 means Hover
⦁ FinishAction 2 means Go Home
⦁ FinishAction 3 means Landing
⦁ FinishAction 4 means Return to 1st point
⦁ "HeadingMode":1 is Towards next waypoint
Aircraft nose direction can't be adjusted by remote control when performing the mission
⦁ "HeadingMode":2 is FREE CONTROL
You can control aircraft nose direction using remote control when performing the mission
⦁ "HeadingMode":3 is Defined by waypoint
Each waypoint can be set ot different direction, but aircraft nose direction can't be adjusted by remote control when performing the mission
⦁ "HeadingMode":4 is
Blanks mean just that: I don't know, ie, blank.
I talked about it in this post.
Be careful with the File format and a rather special Json type, a punctuation error can cause the mission to crash when viewing the drone.
Once you get the hang of this style of writing, it's pretty easy to come up with something.
So I made a script that allows me from a Litchi mission, to output a readable file of this mission on the Evo 1 and which works with the latest Explorer Evo1 Version
Since I had the tools on hand, as the H520 mission file is also in Json form (a little modified), I took advantage of that as well.

So a mission that I create with Litchi will make a sequel.
Litchi Mission ------------------------------> Mavic 2Pro
Moulinette Passage 1 ------------------> Autel Evo 1
Moulinette Passage 2 ------------------> Yuneec H5

I give you my process below:

I manage to create a mission on the computer with Litchi that I save in a "mission.csv" file (by Litchi)

This CVS file, I pass it through my little program that I created to output it in readable format for the Evo 1 (only the Evo 1 because for the Evo 2, we do not know where it is stored in the smartphone or tablet)
This file will be output in the end under the name of "Mission.waypoint" which I will be able to put in the directory / Explorer / Mission of Explorer
For this mission, you can choose 3 types of "options course"
-View to next point
-Keep the Litchi Angles
-Free Angular Control (with the joystick during flight)
And we can now load this mission into Explorer and launch it.

In summary :
Creation of the Flight file "35-C01B-Sol Roc.csv" on litchi

Passage to the homemade mill

Once the conversion is complete

Capture 2.JPG

We have the file "35-C01B-Sol Roc.waypoint" that we can put in Explorer.
{"waypointsVersion":2,"data":{"NumberOfWaypoints":10,"ObstacleAvoidanceMode":0,"FinishAction":1,"CameraAction":0,"TimeLapse":-1,"Waypoints":[{"WaypointIndex": 1,"Latitude":48.73348928437647,"Longitude":-1.552328714976852,"Altitude":30,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":288},{"WaypointIndex": 2,"Latitude":48.73349282254502,"Longitude":-1.5541338416438748,"Altitude":45,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":298},{"WaypointIndex": 3,"Latitude":48.73444811893982,"Longitude":-1.5566229316096951,"Altitude":45,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":298},{"WaypointIndex": 4,"Latitude":48.734483499939195,"Longitude":-1.5595411750179,"Altitude":45,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":305},{"WaypointIndex": 5,"Latitude":48.73513057111959,"Longitude":-1.5618796631876064,"Altitude":45,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":27},{"WaypointIndex": 6,"Latitude":48.73642151904677,"Longitude":-1.5635208379546928,"Altitude":45,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":97},{"WaypointIndex": 7,"Latitude":48.73451386243023,"Longitude":-1.5600406184720539,"Altitude":45,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":94},{"WaypointIndex": 8,"Latitude":48.733617976509926,"Longitude":-1.5571614347420626,"Altitude":45,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":19},{"WaypointIndex": 9,"Latitude":48.73333840115742,"Longitude":-1.5543259761375317,"Altitude":25,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":312},{"WaypointIndex": 10,"Latitude":48.73350045306159,"Longitude":-1.5523523436544338,"Altitude":25,"Speed":4.9,"HeadingMode":3,"UserdefinedHeading":277}]}}

The mission imported into Explorer:

And I mean it works.
23 missions made on Lichti for the Hérault department in France in June / July, then transferred to Explorer and the missions were carried out without problems.

I have also done this for the Yuneec H520.
Let's remain versatile anyway.

Capture H520.JPG
Please talk about UserDefinedHeading. It looks like an angle, but from what reference direction? I'm guessing CCW to comply with right hand rule?
Autel hides the waypoint file for EVO II? I guess they don't want us messing with it. Here's briefly who I am. When I was a kid I had a 3000 Healey, and the overdrive died. I went to the BMC dealer and was told "the next overdrive unit we take apart will be the first one" and that's all I needed to dive right in. I made new parts, modified the oil pump and was back on the road with a quick shifting overdrive that I could use to fill the huge ratio gap between 2nd and 3rd gears. Nothing like the sound of a triple Weber carbed 6-cylinder engine going through the gears.
Covid-19 leaves me with little to do with my time. Based on the GPS coordinates I drew your path in Cartesian coordinates. It appears you end up some 1945 meters S13E from your starting point. But what caught my attention is the last leg, which I calculate to be 2.136 meters at S35E. Explorer doesn't allow legs less than 5 meters long, so the question is, did EVO obey your command?
The last step is the end point of the mission where I asked for the Finish action = "Hoover" to regain control of the Evo so it has no interaction with the first point.
I don't see where I am at 1945m from my starting point, there must have been a gear that jumped! (Sic)
Capture sol Roc.JPG
The last step is the end point of the mission where I asked for the Finish action = "Hoover" to regain control of the Evo so it has no interaction with the first point.
I don't see where I am at 1945m from my starting point, there must have been a gear that jumped! (Sic)
View attachment 8195
So, it's a round trip? I've got much more work to do. My mental clutches are slipping some.
So, it's a round trip? I've got much more work to do. My mental clutches are slipping some.
I made one serious programming error and mixed up latitude and longitude. Looks like this? Polygon closes within just over two meters. Good mental exercize for me. I live in Palawan, Philippines and used GPS to determine the location of a parcel of land's lot corners. I knew that one corner was some distance from another corner and converted those dimensions into GPS coordinates, then hacked through the underbrush to locate the markers on the ground. That was before I had EVO, used a Garmin device.cadd.jpg
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