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Bird chased by birds


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
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I was visiting southern Jersey yesterday when I looked at the sky and saw a hack flying rapidly and chased by seven crows. It was funny, never seen anything like it before.
It's fun, because at home, I notice that more and more crows come to eat at the seaside mixed with seagulls.
Like what cohabitation can exist.
The next generation will be black and white seagulls with a crows head.
Find the mistake...........................
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Simple. Crows and seagulls can't interbreed, due to their genetic composition being to different. The egg will never hatch. Also, probability is high, another crow will take that egg away.
It was funny, never seen anything like it before.

Common behavior in my neck of the woods. Any time the local hawk circles over the group, the uproar begins. Like to watch the hawk soaring along, seemingly ignoring the flock until one gets too close. Then the talons will come out. With their raucous caws and agitation, I can see why some would call the flock of crows a "murder", but I think it silly.

What I enjoy watching is the territorial defenses of a nesting pair of mocking birds (cat birds) when the crow(s) get close. The determination of these little guys - easily a quarter the size of a crow - is impressive. They will NOT stop attacking the crow until it leaves the area. Funny to watch when a crow is perched in the top of a tree and the cat birds doing kamikaze dives until the crow flies away - with the cat bird in hot pursuit.
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All of which brings to mind a question. Anyone had their Evo or other drone attacked by and kind of bird?
All of which brings to mind a question. Anyone had their Evo or other drone attacked by and kind of bird?
I got chased by a hawk before but when I guess it noticed that was not a real bird it got uninterested and flew away.
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Anyone raised on a farm knows a goose or turkey can be a bit testy at times but they cause little damage. Now the old red rooster with 3 inch spurs can put a gash on your leg that would need stitches. Just ask my grandma. Guess what was in the pot Sunday? Yet chicken and dumplings.
You have not experienced anything until you been attacked by a goose LOL

I discovered the answer as a kid on the farm—charge at them yelling. Some years ago in Israel, a small flock of geese would chase my five year old every day as he played on the lawn of the guest ranch where we were staying. I showed him the technique. Every day after, those birds looked at me with eyes that asked: “how could you?”
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I was visiting southern Jersey yesterday when I looked at the sky and saw a hack flying rapidly and chased by seven crows. It was funny, never seen anything like it before.
Mockingbirds do that alot here. Funny watching them chase crows.
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Ken Heron sells bird eye stickers for drones. Supposedly they work like the graphic on jet engines to scare away birds from attacking. I don't don't know if they work, but they look disarming on the drone.

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