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Beta firmware 1.3.3

Great review on the new firmware, hopefully they have not given up on the slight horizon tilt just yet but things are looking up.
If they continue and add and tweak...this evo could be awesome. If they added mapping to their app...they would increase their sales by alot
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They need to get off their @ss and release the SDK's that they promised. It's like they don't want some third party showing them up with some kind of better option LOL
Its time for them to poop or get off the pot so to speak. :)
If I'm permitted to ask or discuss, I am a bit confuses with the firmware updates as I show I have 1.2.3 firmware but I also can dial in ludicrous mode so just to set me straight did the ludicrous appear with vers. 1.2.3 or ver. ? To get one has to write Autel for permission to dld it ?
Many thanks being hopeful I get answers from people in the know

Video still seems jerky. It might be the YT compression, I don't know. There is still a very noticeable horizon tilt. I hope they get it fixed before they release their official update. Better or improved means nothing, it's either perfect or not. And before you start saying.. nothing is perfect - you should have met my 17 year old girlfriend from back in 1982! :)

"Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
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Did they stop the Beta program, I am not getting the link anymore for some reason.
Received email reply from Autel, re Beta firmware.

"Thank you for reaching out to us at Autel Robotics Support. We have closed this round of beta testing for version 1.3.3 in hopes we can finalizing an public version. We have not been given any details as to when this may be , all we know is that our development team is working very hard on newer firmware.

I do apologize for any inconvenience this causes, If you have any more questions or concerns please let me know."

So there you have it. They might be releasing the new firmware to the masses soon!
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Does anyone have the 1.3.3 firmware on their computer that they can share since it's not available for us anymore?

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This is the 1.3.3 bin file I have . hope you enjoy and let us know if its good.

I have the file on my computer and I tried to upload it but I get a message that a .bin file does have an allowable extension. :(
One thing I could do is to rename the file .txt and once you dld it you rename it .bin.
What do you think ?
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Hi all, I have zero experience with dropbox so I copied the file and tried to paste it in the dropbox folder but no go.
If you do explain the procedure please include on how to upload it here.
Hi, yes I have google drive and use it sometimes but how would I attach here ?
When you upload the file to your google drive there is a option to share the file. All you have to do is copy the shared link and past it here.

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