Many people have asked for it so here is a list of terms used in the RC hobby.
I gathered these from to many post to credit people, but you know who you are.
Smash that 'like' button if this helped you!
*Please message me to add any relevant ones I missed.
AC = Aircraft
AGL = Above Ground Level
AMA = Academy of Model Aeronautics
AMSL = Above Mean Sea Level
ARTF = Almost ready to fly
ASL = Above Sea Level
ATTI = Attitude
AUW = All Up Weight
BNF = Bind n Fly (transmitter)
BTU = Blue Tooth Unit
BLOS = Beyond line of sight
BVLOS = Blocked Visual Line of Sight
Cal = Calibration
CA = Collision Avoidance
CAA = Civil Aviation Authority (UK Regulator)
CAAS = Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Singapore Regulator)
CL = Course Lock
CSC = Combination Stick Command
ESC = Electronic Speed Controller
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration (US Regulator)
FPV = first person view
FRZ = Flight Restricted Zone
FS = Failsafe
GHz = Giga-hertz
GLONASS = Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian Satellite Navigation System)
GPS = Global Positioning System
HL = Home Lock
IR = Internal Resistance
IOC = Intelligent Orientation Control
IMU = Inertial Measurement Unit
LHCP = Left Hand Circular Polorized
LiPo = Lithium-Polymer (battery)
LOS = Line of sight
MC = Main controller
NFZ = No Fly Zone
MHz = Mega-hertz
MSL = Mean Sea Level
Nicad = Nickle Cadmium
NOTAM = Notice to Airmen
OA = Obstacle Avoidance
OP = Original Poster
POI = Point of Interest
RC = Remote Control
RHCP = Right Hand Circular Polorized
RTF = Ready to fly
RTH = Return To Home
RTM = Read The Manual
Rx = Receiver
SFRA = Special Flight Rules Area
SOC = State Of Charge
SPS = Starlink Positioning System
SUA = Small Unmanned Aircraft (What the CAA call what we fly)
SUSA = Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircaft (What the CAA call what we fly)
sUAS = Small unmanned aircraft system (what the FAA calls what we fly)
TC = Transport Canada
Tx = Transmitter
UAV = Unmanned aerial vehicle
VLOS = Visual line of sight
VRS = Vortex Ring State
VTx = Video Transmitter
VRx = Video Receiver
VPS = Visual Positioning System
I gathered these from to many post to credit people, but you know who you are.
Smash that 'like' button if this helped you!

*Please message me to add any relevant ones I missed.
AC = Aircraft
AGL = Above Ground Level
AMA = Academy of Model Aeronautics
AMSL = Above Mean Sea Level
ARTF = Almost ready to fly
ASL = Above Sea Level
ATTI = Attitude
AUW = All Up Weight
BNF = Bind n Fly (transmitter)
BTU = Blue Tooth Unit
BLOS = Beyond line of sight
BVLOS = Blocked Visual Line of Sight
Cal = Calibration
CA = Collision Avoidance
CAA = Civil Aviation Authority (UK Regulator)
CAAS = Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Singapore Regulator)
CL = Course Lock
CSC = Combination Stick Command
ESC = Electronic Speed Controller
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration (US Regulator)
FPV = first person view
FRZ = Flight Restricted Zone
FS = Failsafe
GHz = Giga-hertz
GLONASS = Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian Satellite Navigation System)
GPS = Global Positioning System
HL = Home Lock
IR = Internal Resistance
IOC = Intelligent Orientation Control
IMU = Inertial Measurement Unit
LHCP = Left Hand Circular Polorized
LiPo = Lithium-Polymer (battery)
LOS = Line of sight
MC = Main controller
NFZ = No Fly Zone
MHz = Mega-hertz
MSL = Mean Sea Level
Nicad = Nickle Cadmium
NOTAM = Notice to Airmen
OA = Obstacle Avoidance
OP = Original Poster
POI = Point of Interest
RC = Remote Control
RHCP = Right Hand Circular Polorized
RTF = Ready to fly
RTH = Return To Home
RTM = Read The Manual
Rx = Receiver
SFRA = Special Flight Rules Area
SOC = State Of Charge
SPS = Starlink Positioning System
SUA = Small Unmanned Aircraft (What the CAA call what we fly)
SUSA = Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircaft (What the CAA call what we fly)
sUAS = Small unmanned aircraft system (what the FAA calls what we fly)
TC = Transport Canada
Tx = Transmitter
UAV = Unmanned aerial vehicle
VLOS = Visual line of sight
VRS = Vortex Ring State
VTx = Video Transmitter
VRx = Video Receiver
VPS = Visual Positioning System