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Unbind Live Deck


New Member
Dec 20, 2023
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We've been getting the runaround from Autel support for the last 2 months. We have an EVO II and had our main controller completely take a dump. We sent the controller to Autel and they gave us a price to fix that controller or they could give us new one. We decided to just have them give us a new one. We asked about making sure the firmware on the new controller was the same as what we currently had. We received the new controller and tried to connect it to our drone. It would not connect and support told us the steps to do the hard firmware update of the to the drone (SD card) but that also did not work. Support kept asking us for the firmware version of the new controller and we told them we were unable to see it because if when we had the controller plugged in to the tablets it would not show the firmware version in the about tab and the controller was not connected to the drone. Support seemed to not understand what we were telling them. After doing our own research on here, we now believe the issue is that we had a Live deck paired with the old controller and drone. So the new controller wont bind with the drone because the Deck is still binded and the drone is in dual controller mode possibly??? We have the old controller in our possession but it is completely dead. I have not been able to find the thread that states how to unbind the live deck from the drone without having access to the original controller also. I sent this question about the live deck to Autel and this was their repsonse... And of of course there is no video attached to the email like they states so now we'll wait another 2 days for a repsonse. HAHAHAHAH Anybody have the instructions on how to unbind the live deck without having the original controller? So we can at least start there to see if that works.



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