No, I really don't like being dictated to at all. But I can see the sense in making sure that what I fly doesn't end up being a menace to other air users. That's why I choose to abide by the common-sense restrictions like maximum AGL, staying completely clear of anything that is a registered red Geozone and making sure that any local ATC knows three days in advance that I want to fly in a locked blue zone, so they can okay the flight beforehand.
I am supposed to live in a democracy, where everyone has the right to choose: so I just choose NOT to break the rules every time I fly out in free air. An Autel drone has the capability (at the moment) to climb as high as the upper limit set in the app: which at present is (theoretically) 800 metres. I wouldn't know for sure - because I haven't been irresponsible enough to try it.