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Soon to be an Autel owner


Jan 19, 2021
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Hi folks, I am soon to be an Autel evo 1 owner. I come from a long list of DJI drones. Phantom 3 , air, Mavic pro. I gave up on them due to the ever tightening noose of the NFZs. I am a responsible pilot and would never break the law and fly recklessly, or put people in harms way. What good would that do for all of us? I just want that decision, and the consequences of my decisions, to be left to me. Not some company that has no idea of the circumstances of my flight. So I am strongly thinking of the evo 1 to get started. Thanks for the ear. I'll be perusing the posts to educate myself.
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Welcome to the family. I came too from DJI! Have fun (safely)!
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Hello and welcome. Love my Evo 1. Cant seem to wanna get rid of it even with all the new drones coming out. Its been one tough bird!
The NFZ might be the only upside to the Evo, plus it's very fast to get up in the air. Downsides are props in the shot so get some ND filters and fly at the appropriate rlame rate or tilt the camera down which isn't always practical. Smart modes aren't very good either. Batteries have been an issue as well. I had 3 report errors with no swelling and consistent cell readings. Evo is only offering refurbs at this time so I am guessing batteries will be harder and harder to find.
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Ive owned an EVO for 3 years love all of it except 2 fairy serious issues, one i'm still currently having and its enough to make me never buy one again.

First issue and one that is all over this forum and that is the batteries. You need to charge them as close to your flying time as possible as when they sit for 2 days or more, the battery percentage reading is inaccurate. I.e. your battery might say "95% charge/23 minutes of flight time", you take off and fly over the water for 5 minutes, all of a sudden your battery reads at 5% and tries to 'Fly Home', then emergency lands in the water 1 km away.

This rapid decline in battery percentage, or leakage may be a best term to describe the issue, genuinely reduces my confidence to fly over water, canyons, cliffs, pretty much anywhere thats not a flat accessible paddock. Its like flying an aeroplane that shows a full tank of fuel, then all of a sudden its half full, then a 1/4 full then empty.!! SO, charge you batteries as close as possible to your fly time and all should be well.

The second and more serious issue in my opinion is the extreme lack of back up service in Australia. I need some out of warranty repair works done that im happy to pay for however Autel will not respond to emails or messages. If I cant get parts, its going into the bin.!!

At the time I paid close to $2KAUD with the extra batteries kit and I do expect to get a few more years of customer service and support from Autel. Seems they have ZERO respect for their customers so I will continue to spread the word until they respond as its not fair for consumers to be duped out of their hard earned money.

ITs all good and well to build a flashy website and new updated specced-up drone models, but one needs to stand by their customers with older products. Based on their current performance, I will never purchase an Autel product again, EVER.!!

Overall I love the drone for many reasons but its not much good if I cant get a response from Autel, get parts or get it repaired, its essentially a useless blob of expensive orange plastic and electronics!!

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