I took the attached photo with my Sony A6000 when they were spraying for mosquitos in our city. The website for the county states , " We fly at 250 feet AGL during spraying operations " . I would estimate this guy was flying around 150 knots. His altitude is 150 feet below the maximum altitude the FAA allows us to fly. This just brought to my mind the importance of safety when we fly our X Stars . When I see videos of X Stars flying and you see the over 400 altitude readout and they are over a mile away from the operator over POPULATED areas , it is scary to me. You have zero depth perception at that distance and IF a failure occurs, it does not take long for the X star to achieve terminal velocity. I know Autel has built in a level of robustness that satisfies their lawyers and people have confidence in their machine but the future of this business for some and hobby for some is in our hands. My personal goal is never to have to contact my insurance company other than make a payment or have to live with the memory of how I destroyed someone's life . This is not meant to be a rant, just a word of caution.