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New Autel Videos


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2017
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In light of other threads I was just curious what you think of the fact that Autel has recently put out three new videos, two of which appear to have come out the last two days (as we approach CES).
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In light of other threads I was just curious what you think of the fact that Autel has recently put out three new videos, two of which appear to have come out the last two days (as we approach CES).
Which 3 new videos? I'm lazy
I was not going to post on this one as I said I will be waiting for CES 2018 to see what they come up with but I just can't help myself LOL
As everyone knows they are at least 2 years behind two of their competitors (DJI & Yuneec)
Near the end of the beta testing Ken from Autel basically said I want this firmware done so Autel can move onto new products. Great, they left the firmware with a few holes in it. Now with the short period of time they had to pull a rabbit out of the hat before CES 2018 I just cannot see them having anything that will blow us away.
Sure they can come to CES and show prototypes again but that is not going to cut it this year. We got fooled once and I will not wait around for them to make good on any promises like last year.
I know several people on this very forum that have gone to the dark side only to be very happy with the DJI line. Even one of the Autel Beta testers went the DJI way and said he will never look back. Autel has some mighty big hole patching to do and it is all riding on CES 2018.
I say good luck and hope they do but I really don't see how they can pull this off.
I was thinking about how others believed that Autel was going under or the end of the XSP. In each of the videos they still show the XSP (I guess they would until they officially show something new). Based on these videos and the fact Autel's website has not had XSP for sale (either new or rebuilt) speculate for the fun of it... if the XSP done being manufactured? If I remember correctly in the above videos the XSP is not mentioned by name, and some outlets have discontinued the XSP, so I would speculate (again for the fun of it) that there will be a new drone introduced and the XSP is discontinued. I, for one, look forward to see what Autel has up their sleeve.
Baddest happening scenario question:
How long can we fly our XSPs if Autel Robotics waves a white flag?


3D Robotics is still around but they don't make UAV's anymore but you still can buy the solo to this day. Seems to be still plenty of them around and they are getting more popular with the open firmware. Maybe Autel will go that way. :)
Let us design the dam thing LOL
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Excuse my negativism, all I hear in these videos is blah,blah,blah.
Oh my, Autel posts a video of some chick riding a motocross bike and the sheep start jumping up and down in excitement. Unbelievable.

Right from the facebook page:
" - thanks for posting this and other Autel Robotic product related videos. It gives the "faithful" a warm, fuzzy feeling inside about Autel."
Why would Autel bother posting these three videos if they are leaving the drone business and they have no more XSP's to sell? Oh well, we will know in a couple of weeks.
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Not had time to review the videos, as these are blocked at work...However :

If you look up CES2018 and search Autel in exhibitors, you will find they are next door but one to DJI

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I made a video today, nothing special at all. Just me out flying when it was minus 20 F\wind chill minus 40 F. Maybe I should send that in to them so they can post it. LOL Like I said nothing special other than me honing my flying skills and making videos :)

Oh 2018 they are just going to blow us all away and we we be lined up like Apple phone users when a new phone comes out. Oh Oh just look how well the apple thing went LOL
I expect these are videos they intend to project from their booth at CES2018, & they are releasing them early because they tell no secretes.
Im really pissed at these new videos.. they all feature our XSP, which is out of stock, and now im fairly sure, out of production! i emailed CS that i wanted to get the XSP model used in the new videos, and not a refurb, and was told this..

"At the moment I do not have any details about further production of the X-Star Premium aircraft. "

why would autel use the xsp in brand new promo videos, but not even produce the model ever again?

they should have used the NEW secret drone and teased us w that, unless the secret announcement will be just like last years CES announcements (sdk, cameras, kestrel)...all talk.

we have a piece of history in our pumpkins....no more will ever be made....

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