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Crazy to buy an Evo 1 right now?


Jan 10, 2020
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I'm in the market for a non-DJI drone to play with, and the Evo was high on my list, but I've been been waiting for more info on the Evo 2. I didn't want to spend $1k and have it immediately be inferior, "out of date", etc if I could spend a little more and have something MUCH improved.

First, I'm not sure I like that the Evo2 is bigger, heavier, fatter. When I saw the first pics, I guess I thought it "looked" like an Evo on a diet... and I liked that idea. So now I'm back to looking at the Evo1.

While the Evo2 camera specs are incredible, the Evo1 camera is excellent as it is, correct? It's certainly good enough for my use. Range and flight times I think are also good enough with the Evo1. The additional obstacle sensors would be nice to have there if I want them, but I can live without them I think. So...

Will there be much difference in flight characteristics, ease of use, flight modes, software? Will Autel keep the Evo1 up to date.... or will it get left behind?

I think I'm going to pick up an Evo1 bundle. Seems like the practical choice, because I don't actually NEED the 6k camera. Evo1 bundle is $999 right now. Evo2 will cost almost double that w/extra batts.

Am I missing something? Thanks

btw, anyone think the current Evo1 deals will get better now that the Evo2 is here?
You probably will find some good deals soon on a used EVO 1. Some good deals have recently been posted on here.
The Evo is an excellent drone at a reasonable price. If you don’t need 8k or 6k or all-round obstacle avoidance, go for it. The only potential downside might be how long will Autel continue to update its firmware and app.
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What is the going rate for a used Evo? I didn't expect people would be letting them go cheap enough to justify buying a used one. That's the way it always was in the RC community anyway....unless you knew the seller it was best to stay away from used stuff.
I picked up a sealed rugged bundle evo 1with extras on eBay today for $779. I’ll fly it for a year then buy the evo 2 ?
Apart from the camera, is there a comparison list of all differences between EVO1 and EVO 2 available yet.? Cheers
The Evo 2 will be equally or better than the skydio 2 just because it has sensors everywhere. The Evo 1 is nothing compared to the Evo 2.
The Evo2 does have more processing power and sensors to have a better "follow me", in theory.
BUT, I think the big thing is just the programming voodoo that Autel engineers can come up with. I don't think the extra obstacle sensors mean it will be better, except that it won't run into things so easy of course. I'm hoping Autel keeps working to improve things like tracking...with or without 360 obstacle avoidance.

For example...just looking at all the reviews and tests everyone does, the Fimi A3 has pretty slick follow me mode... without the processing and sensors and it's $250. It cheats by tracking the controller, but I think it's awesome. I have one on order, mainly to use where I don't want to risk a more expensive drone.... kayaking on a river hopefully.

Is the Evo getting better through updates since all of these reviews a year ago? Does the Evo back up while tracking you if you walk toward it? Sounds like the Evo2 will not follow you up a hill? Surely they could fix that in the programming if they wanted to? Maybe I need to search some more for tracking reviews on the Evo

The Skydio uses multiple cameras to map the environment for it's tracking... totally different technology than what the Evo has to work with.

Anyway... the big question is if Autel has worked some magic with the software on the Evo2... and if so, do they bring improvements to the Evo1 anymore?

Thanks for the input everyone
I don’t use OA much, so for me it’s a moot point. Nor am I much interested in having a drone ‘follow me’. I am interested in good basic abilities, which the Evo has in spades, and video quality. A one inch sensor and variable aperture are the gilding on the lily.
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Evo is a great drone, but really disappointed with its intelligent modes, cant even compare to dji! but you can fly anywhere, software very easy and practical, and you wont have any headaches like with dji
Evo is a great drone, but really disappointed with its intelligent modes, cant even compare to dji! but you can fly anywhere, software very easy and practical, and you wont have any headaches like with dji
Exactly why I have no interest in DJI. I have no desire to travel into the backwoods in the middle of nowhere only to have my toy quadcopter refuse to function just because it has oppressive authoritarian programming. :)
I just want my little flying camera to do what I tell it to do. I can handle the respopnsibility of choosing when and where to play with my stuff. Also, I love the fact that the Evo can function without a tablet/phone.
35 years of radio control cars, planes, boats... probably has something to do with that.

I bought a Spark when it came out. Won't make that mistake twice. ha ha
Got my Evo1 today.

I just couldn't justify spending twice the money because I'm not sure how much I will actually get to go fly, and if I will ever have time to edit video etc. And the Evo1 is more than I need already.

Also I want to have something NOW that I can take with me on a road trip in a couple weeks. :cool:

I would like an Evo2 6k... maybe that's in my future.

Or....I might pick up a Skydio2 to go with my Evo.... play with both of those for about the price of an Evo2. :p
Got my Evo1 today.

I just couldn't justify spending twice the money because I'm not sure how much I will actually get to go fly, and if I will ever have time to edit video etc. And the Evo1 is more than I need already.

Also I want to have something NOW that I can take with me on a road trip in a couple weeks. :cool:

I would like an Evo2 6k... maybe that's in my future.

Or....I might pick up a Skydio2 to go with my Evo.... play with both of those for about the price of an Evo2. :p

You made a good choice. The Evo 1 is an amazing drone... and 4K 60 is gorgeous.

I don't need anything better than that right now either.
Granted, I picked-up my EVO(1) bundle for a killer $800...

But coming back from a ski trip with a GoPro and editing 4k60fps footage... it's about as much video resolution/framerate as I'm willing to handle without investing in a better computer. And I'm running a Ryzen 2700X w/32gb + Vega Frontier Edition (16gb HBM), which IMO is a reasonable rig for somebody who isn't doing paid video work.

Sure, all the extra avoidance sensors and the newer camera options of the EVO 2 will probably be great... but I don't know if (for me) that outweighs the 1) the difference in cost (esp. against my deal), 2) the looming uncertainty of the FAA NPRM, and 3) the fact that EVO(1) satisfies my core needs for a drone as far as I can see for right now.

All things considered, I remain comfortable with my choice of the EVO(1) in the face of the rumors-then/facts-now of the EVO 2. I frankly don't foresee myself upgrading to anything until the FAA decides what exactly is going to happen with >250g drones.

(I will however, consider adding a <250g drone to my stable in the coming future. Hopefully Autel isn't going to let DJI go unchallenged there.)
Granted, I picked-up my EVO(1) bundle for a killer $800...

But coming back from a ski trip with a GoPro and editing 4k60fps footage... it's about as much video resolution/framerate as I'm willing to handle without investing in a better computer. And I'm running a Ryzen 2700X w/32gb + Vega Frontier Edition (16gb HBM), which IMO is a reasonable rig for somebody who isn't doing paid video work.

You're good. I've got an i7 7700k @ 4.9ghz with a 11GB 1080 Ti. Almost 3 years old and still a beast for editing (and gaming.)

The Evo 1 is a fine drone as I said... and 4K 60 is plenty for me. The footage is gorgeous... and I have a 65" OLED that does an amazing job on said footage. I don't see a need to jump on the Evo 2 just yet... for the same reasons I just bought 2x GoPro Hero 7's instead of the new 8. Still a fine camera at a significant savings.

Nothing wrong with upgrading... 8K OLEDs are out now too. Doesn't mean they are necessary. Far from it. 4K 60 isn't going anywhere.
I'm a week-and-a-half-old EVO owner. So far for me it has been nothing outside of smooth and stable. I've only shot video as high as 4K30 and I don't see a need to go any higher than this, I may even back down to 1080P 60 for my day-to-day hobby stuff. If the OP is looking for a bunch of 3rd-party accessories...sorry! However, the accessories that ARE available are pretty good and the ingenuity of the EVO community in coming up with solutions for other things is great (studied looong before I pulled the trigger on my purchase).

So, take a deep, cleansing breath OP and, once you exhale, you will enjoy this little bird. It's just the right size even though I did covet (and briefly owned) the Mavic Air. I just couldn't get past all of the video signal dropout vids and disappointing color over saturation and blowout, so I never opened it...I haven't looked back ever since returning it for the EVO.

I hope you have a great experience with your EVO, I'm looking forward to warm weather, sunny day flights with mine in the near future!
I absolutely love my Evo 1. I'm also upgrading to the Evo 2 but the Evo 1 is more than capable, if not better than other drones on the market.

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