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Checking in from West Michigan.

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the AutelXPilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for
current developments in Autel quadcopter’s. Read the manual a few times and watch lots of Youtube videos on the subject to give yourself a good start.

I too live in MI and near many awesome areas to fly. I love the fact we get four seasons and during the extreme season this drone will blow you away, enjoy.
Thank you for your responses to my post. We have had a break in weather this past week which is allowed some flight time. This is the most amazing toy I have purchased in a long time. Love the fact it is so easy to fly compared to my cheaper drones. This site as well as the autel robotics site has been amazingly helpful. I called the autel helpline yesterday to get help with linking my Galaxy S6 and they were very helpful and available almost instantly. And I say a big amen to living in Michigan. Don't have time to go south for the winter. So much to do here especially with the grandkids plus spring comes every year. Plus how could I video a landscape covered in snow if I went South LOLOL

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