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Camera tilt


Sep 2, 2016
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is there a way to make the camera tilt up past the level mark? When it first powers on the gimbal goes through the motions and it tilts past the level point. On the phantom you can go into settings and adjust it. i can't seem to find anything in the starlink app
Well the more they can do, the easier things go wrong. Besides coming from DJI I have no bigger hate than seeing those props in shot. But that's just me dude.
I do more photo than video, so having other angles is always good. The props can be cropped out when you tilt up that far.
I would like an option to tilt up a little. A few weeks ago I would have liked to get the moon in a picture. Earlier this week a flock of geese flew by, though they were low enough to be in frame, if only I'd been a little quicker.
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I would like an option to tilt up a little. A few weeks ago I would have liked to get the moon in a picture. Earlier this week a flock of geese flew by, though they were low enough to be in frame, if only I'd been a little quicker.
Good point Tom thanks
I would like an option to tilt up a little. A few weeks ago I would have liked to get the moon in a picture. Earlier this week a flock of geese flew by, though they were low enough to be in frame, if only I'd been a little quicker.
It certainly is attainable... the Phantom has this feature.
Artificial Horizon
A way to set the camera level regardless of aircraft yaw, pitch, or roll. This data should be available from the existing attitude sensors.
Then add the addition of a artificial horizon line on the camera display. this could tie into the tilt up request in the previous threads.

The purpose would be a reference line while in flight to determine if your altitude is sufficient to clear trees, buildings, dead end canyons etc. Assuming a constant altitude. The relatively wide angle lens installed now makes it difficult to make that determination until you are extremely close to the feature.

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