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Autel needs to up their markting game

They did revamp the store just a few weeks ago.

Yes Josh, I saw that too. As I’ve seen, their whole shopping platform is based on EVO as the only primary product with little available for the XSP (unless you need a case, lanyard, charger or a hat). At least XSP propellers and landing gear are currently still available.

No longer offering much more needed items like batteries and the kit with new rubber dampers IMO is pretty lame and short sighted for the product that made them who they are.

Dare I say, and I do, their competitor is doing a much better job marketing and offering various products through their webshop. Including what made them who they are.

As for the other post about comparing to Apple, I kind of regarded Autel as the Mac and DJI as the PC. I chose Mac, but hopefully it doesn’t turn into the Commodore.

There may be a new chapter soon, I just hope it doesn’t end at 11 or 13.
Its OK Hilo, most of these new forum members I call evo-ngelist (One who seeks to convert others to the Autel faith, especially by public preaching.)
Most have no idea of all the bull crap that Autel pulled off in the last two years to make us fearful of buying back into their game.

View attachment 3122
Spit coffee through my nose, LOL funny, ty, I needed that :)
I agree with you all that Autel should/could be better marketed. I work in that field as my day job and it's not just engineering or marketing that needs to get it together, it's the entire company. Right now, their biggest asset is customer service. They beat the pants off of DJI in that regard. They need to work on product support and brand awareness. As of now, all I see is them supporting the EVO. It's like they've given up on the XSP. There are many things they can change to generate additional revenue in the company for future products. First off, you have to keep the customers you have. Make them evangelists for your brand by supporting products they already own, offering upgrades to those products, (i.e. the detachable gimbal on the XSP, that is a major marketing advantage that nobody else has that should be exploited to the fullest) and software updates to add additional features to the usefulness of their drones. Try finding a third-party app for things like generating land surveys and such. Don't ever promise/leak/advertise things you aren't 100% going to do. When they were talking about a 1-inch sensor camera and a FLIR/IR camera that would take advantage of the detachable gimbal, they got everyone excited. Following through with that promise would've made DJI very uncomfortable to say the least. That would have given them a market share in the imaging community.
Don't get me wrong, I love my XSP. I haven't had it for very long but except for software advantages and the bigger sensor on the P4, I would rather have my orange pumpkin. I have a co-worker that has had a P4 and currently has a Mavic2Pro, I show him my footage from the XSP and it's just as good as a lot of the footage he gets. There is so much to be taken advantage of in the Autel lineup that I can't even begin to list it all. They could be the top dog at a lower price point and with better service than DJI. Plus adding additional revenue with upgrades and support for their older drones. Nothing irks me more than a company (like Apple) that drops support on their older stuff to get you to buy their newer stuff. That is a slap to the face of their consumers and will lose you more customers than gain new ones. I'm off my soapbox now LOL, everyone have a great weekend and keep 'em flying.
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Agree with all that Marcle but Autel don't have the resources of DJI. I'm sure that if they were awash with cash you would get all that and more. But since they aren't, they need to cut their cloth accordingly, prioritise and collect more cash.
I think Autel needs to sell Evo more Internationally, which I read is limited to a few countries? Seeing an Evo side-by-side to a Mavic Pro at Best Buy was revealing. Evo looked much more solid in every way, especially the vulnerable gimbal. The Mavic’s looked flimsy by comparison. Autel still offers full support/services for XSP, any repair to the bird or RC. Rates are reasonable too, although I think I’ll repair my broken RC myself...

As for Marketing/Communication, it appears Autel is putting all their marbles into the social media basket, which isn’t a bad plan if money is tight — you do need an overall strategy (which I see little evidence) and good people to execute it...
Autel also sells OBD/CANII readers for cars which are highly regarded. I don't know if the Robotics is a separate company or not. It would be nice if they could somehow pool their resources but as far as I can tell, they don't do much in the way of marketing for the code readers either. I "accidentally" found them with a web search looking for readers that also reset brake pads because I have to have one of those to change brake pads on my newer car, (Any way they can try and make you take your car in for service instead of DYI)

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